I’ve been informed that adblock plus sort of sucks now. If you’re looking for one, go for UBlock Origin.

  • usualsuspect191@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I’d be really curious how much my internet use “costs” to advertisers and if I could/would pay that amount instead.

    Like, the advertiser paid $0.0005 to serve that ad to me so I’ll just pay that amount directly to the site and not be served the ad. Just incorporate it into my internet bill and I’d pay just like I do for power or gas. And would my willingness to not see ads make me more or less valuable to advertisers and affect the math?

    I don’t like the subscription model as it seems like the price point isn’t based on actual cost at all and like they’re double-dipping by still selling my info. Charge me the actual cost plus a reasonable profit margin of 10%-20%. How much would that be? Is advertising really so valuable that I wouldn’t be willing to pay that amount? If so, are advertisers overselling the efficacy of their product?