Is it normal that I just went from 40 to 54 in an afternoon? This seems VERY fast from what I’m used too. Also, where’s the gear?

This doesn’t feel like wow, I enjoy it but it’s not at all what I remember. I haven’t seen gear drop, what do disenchanters do? Is that still a thing?

I have zero clue what I’m doing lol I have a billion questions and don’t even know what to ask, it’s confusing but not at the same time.

I haven’t even looked at my old professions. Almost scared too.

    1 year ago

    Since the level squish, you level up a lot faster than you’re used to. As most people will say, the real part of the game is the endgame, or at least things you can do at max level.

    Gear will mostly come from quests whilst leveling, and somewhat sporadically at that. You could run dungeons for more gear, but you’ll mostly end up getting the same slots over and over if you do. It’s a part of the game that still really feels unpolished.

    Good-ish news about professions though! You level them per expansion now. That means that you no longer have to do old content for drops to DE, for example. Instead, once you hit max, you can just learn the latest expansion’s version on top, and not bother with having to catch up.

      1 year ago

      As most people will say,

      False consensus?

      the real part of the game is the endgame

      This is what broke wow : vocal brats keeeeening for new scenery to chew through, having processed a new expansion in 7 hours.

      Now the early game is truncated, the middle game is broken - not a big deal as it’s cata anyway - and it’s all focused on 6 raids whenever they drop.