I have a neovim with lots of plugins, and macros are broken. After I record them and I try to run them they stop in the middle, and won’t replay every action I did.
My guess is that some plugin is breaking it, I noticed that autocompletition is usually not working, so I avoid it. My question is how can I find any other plugins that break it, and fix it?
Here is my config, its ugly and old: https://gitlab.com/catlover_stuff/nvim-config
I’ll try to find an example macro that fails, usually I try to avoid complex stuff during recording one, like: using autocomplete or plugin commands.
My guess is that either kylechui/nvim-surround or windwp/nvim-ts-autotag kicks in during typing, but doesn’t during replaying a macro
Sorry, I can’t access your link. It said ‘Page not found’.
my bad, forgot to set it to public