The lack of keyboard interface on Lemmy is killing me, but really what I want is a good client in Emacs. However, it’s beyond my Elisp to design and start such a project, but I could probably help. Anyone on it?
Any emacs interface would be great. Perhaps someone who is familiar with elfeed could hook into that?
FWIW I’m reading lemmy RSS feed with elfeed (hope this gets through - popping my lemmy cherry here)
can you see comments that way? you just subscribe to communities i imagine?
Sorry for delayed response, just getting used to lemmy …
No, I don’t see comments - if I’m interested in the headline, I press ‘b’ to pop up the full item in my browser.
Yes, I subscribe to communities like this:
(use-package elfeed :bind (:map elfeed-search-mode-map ("s" . elfeed-search-set-filter) ("S" . elfeed-search-live-filter)) :config (setf elfeed-sort-order 'ascending)) ;; elfeed-dashboard is a nice add-on (use-package elfeed-dashboard :ensure t :bind ("C-x w" . 'elfeed-dashboard) :config (setq elfeed-dashboard-file "~/.config/emacs/") ;; update feed counts on elfeed-quit (advice-add 'elfeed-search-quit-window :after #'elfeed-dashboard-update-links)) (setq elfeed-feeds '( ("" comic xkcd) ("" slashdot) ("" reddit emacs) ("" reddit linux) ("" fossweekly linux) ("" news distrowatch linux) ("" comic oglaf) ("" reddit linuxquestions) ("" reddit fedora) ("" news bbc) ("" news rt) ("" news hacker) ("" reddit sway) ("" reddit i3wm) ("" reddit nordvpn) ("" news ("" news lobsterlinux linux) ("" news EmacsWiki emacs) ("" news arstechnica) ("" news engadget) ("" emacs lemmy) ("" linux lemmy) ("" sway lemmy)))
I have quite a few endpoints working now, each mostly just with the basic options implemented, and its easy to add endpoints with a handy macro i wrote. There are still quite a few quirks with lemmy itself that i’m struggling to work out, like how to search for my second account on another instance and actually have it appear in results. I might ask in a support room. The type-heavy rust and ts code is super foreign to me, it’s also very large. Moreover, the various documentation links, another one is, sometime contradict each other. Maybe having the basics down I cd start on some necrco diy interface. [posted and edited via lem.el]
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