First post to get the community going. Here’s the list of extensions that I personally use. Most are disabled globally and enabled per project. Feel free to ask questions, give me suggestions, etc.!
Edit: Thanks for the good idea on formatting @NostraDavid. I also converted my list to urls
code --list-extensions | ForEach-Object {" - [$_]("}
- albert.TabOut
- arcticicestudio.nord-visual-studio-code
- be5invis.vscode-custom-css
- Boto3typed.boto3-ide
- BrandonKirbyson.vscode-animations
- bungcip.better-toml
- DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint
- eamodio.gitlens
- ecmel.vscode-html-css
- EditorConfig.EditorConfig
- exiasr.hadolint
- GitLab.gitlab-workflow
- golang.go
- hashicorp.terraform
- maptz.camelcasenavigation
- ms-azuretools.vscode-docker
- ms-kubernetes-tools.vscode-kubernetes-tools
- ms-python.flake8
- ms-python.isort
- ms-python.pylint
- ms-python.python
- ms-python.vscode-pylance
- ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers
- ms-vscode.makefile-tools
- ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare
- mushan.vscode-paste-image
- patricklee.vsnotes
- rebornix.ruby
- redhat.vscode-yaml
- ritwickdey.LiveServer
- streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
- Terrastruct.d2
- vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons
- wingrunr21.vscode-ruby
- yzhang.markdown-all-in-one
Let me add to the list, without the duplicates (by using vscode file compare, of course!)
Ordered by personal importance:
I made this list by:
- running
code --list-extensions
in Powershell - put the output in a vscode tab
- put OP’s output in a second tab
- select OP’s tab first, under
in the sidebar - while holding shift, select the other tab
- RMB the second tab ->
Compare Selected
- remove all duplicates in the right (my) tab
- now to order everything, manually
- put the mouse cursor on line 1, hold MMB and drag down to insert a bunch of extra cursors
- press
and insert[
- press
and insert](
- move the cursor back and select the extension names/IDs
- press ctrl-c
- move cursors to the end of the URL
- ctrl-v
I just wrote this, because most people seem to use vscode as if it’s
with tabs, which makes me sad.- running
So Markdown Mermaid looks awesome. How do you like it? Easy to setup and use?
I’ve been using Terrastruct.d2 for this. But it requires having d2 installed locally. Otherwise, it’s nice enough. Not good enough for me to use frequently or promote.
Mermaid is great - setup is just “install the addon” and use
```mermaid <–mermaid stuff–> ```
Very first extension that I always install is
:)Vscodevim? Or just vim as an alternate editor?
I personally haven’t explored this type of extension before. Always been curious to though. I’d be interested to hear what you think about it if you’re willing to share
Yeah sorry I meant vscodevim.vim 😇 I’m linux user so it’s nice to have vim features in VS Code. For example string replacement, quick line rearrangement and so on.
Despite my use of powershell above, I don’t really touch windows for work. Run a Mac and manage Linux based infrastructure. Hence my appeal for an extension like that.
On the other hand, my work is focused on ci/cd, infrastructure as code, etc. So I never needed to go deep into using and customizing vim. Just read a file and commit any fixes from my local machine.
Given that bit of context, would you think it’s worth investing the time?
Why does vscode-animations require admin privilege to install?
It’s been a few weeks since I installed it so I don’t remember exactly. But I think it’s basically overwriting some css files that vscode doean’t normally allow you to modify.
It’s actually a nice extension but it definitely has a few quirks like that. I hope it improves over time.
Azurite.azurite bungcip.better-toml hediet.vscode-drawio ms-vscode.sublime-keybindings PolyMeilex.wgsl RobbOwen.synthwave-vscode rust-lang.rust-analyzer stkb.rewrap vadimcn.vscode-lldb
Ignore my second comment (and this one) - posts voted on, and my own comments, seem to disappear when I’m logged in, but do show when logged out. Will clean up after I can get to them again <_<
Did my other comments get removed? I’m confused >_>
Either way, here’s another list, but just a raw list (still ordered in personally-most-important order):
- vscode-quick-select
- rainbow-csv
- errorlens
- better-comments
- unique-lines
- markdown-mermaid
- mermaid-markdown-syntax-highlighting
- indent-rainbow
- trailing-spaces
- todo-tree
- live-server
- foam-vscode
- vscode-markdown-notes
- svg
- svg-preview
- vscode-env
- dotenv
- vscode-sqlite
- ini-for-vscode
- shell-format
- vscode-drawio
- vscode-groovy-lint
- vscode-coverage-gutters
- even-better-toml
- shellcheck
- vscodeintellicode
- vscode-jumpy