I have recently approached the world of Emacs, which I find great… The problem though is that I feel I’m wasting too much time trying to have it running in order to do the real work (and I’ve seen, there are several memes about it), so I was wondering what are the must-have extensions to quickly fire something functional (similar to vscode… Don’t make me get back to that please) for development.

By the way, I’ve seen several configurations scattered around the web, and something tells me that I’ve ended up in another anarchic realm (which is, something I both hate and love), as if that of distros -being the same except for one thing- wasn’t enough.

Of interest are: Python, Go, Bash, Clojure, Elixir, yaml (Docker, Terraform, Ansible), json, csv

I would also appreciate the general must-have extensions, currently I’m getting lost navigating Doom Emacs and Melpa packages.

Thank you!

  • emoarmy@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Unfortunately, if you either don’t have the time or don’t want to spend the time configuring Emacs - the best I can recommend for you is to use a distribution. And I can see that you’re already using the most VSCode distribution, Doom. I like Doom because it sticks fairly closely to Emacs’ conventions (compared to Spacemacs), has a large user base, and enabling most features just involves uncommenting some lines. Doom also has a pretty good discord to join.

    If you haven’t seen this tutorial series, it goes over some of the features in Doom in a short videos. It might be out of data on some parts - given that /u/zaiste started this series 5 years ago.

    If you want to build your own configuration from scratch Then maybe check out System Crafters (note that’s like 12 hours of videos) on the idea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74zOY-vgkyw&list=PLEoMzSkcN8oPH1au7H6B7bBJ4ZO7BXjSZ

    To answer your actual querstion:

    1. Org-mode
    2. Magit
    3. Multiple-Cursors
    4. LSP-Mode
    5. Flycheck
    6. Company
    7. Ido/Swiper/Ivy
    8. Projectile

    none of these are language specific but they build up Emacs to have the modern features of an IDE that I care about. Connecting up the languages to work with these packages is left as an exercise for the reader. Though they can look at my garbage pile of a config if they’re really stuck.