They’re sabotaging their social media firms right when campaign season is about to start in America. By making their apps so inaccessible, they’re minimizing the impact of that data being used in targeted ads, preventing another Cambridge Analytica scenario from happening.

They may be slime balls, but we owe them our thanks.

  • @cyph3rPunk
    91 year ago

    Actually, I think it’s the opposite. I think they’re purging their platforms of conscientious people so their platforms can be used to keep the sheep in line.

    • @angrynomad
      21 year ago

      This. Corral everyone into highly controlled bubbles. When was the last time you ever saw rational discourse anywhere on social media? It’s all blaming and shock and awe headlines. Do republicans even exist anywhere anymore, they are demonized, ‘maga’, terrorists, etc. Liberals while attacked, dont seem to have those attacks shown on reddit, and quite a bit is censored on facebook. I’m so glad all this shit is censored abroad, it’s annoying.