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The original was posted on /r/microsoft by /u/idsjoe on 2023-09-27 14:05:27.

Me: Set brightness to max.

Copilot: *Web-based explanation on how to increase brightness*

Me: No, like can’t you do that for me? I thought the entire point of the Microsoft copilot feature was to give written commands to the system to do basic tasks. Is this just bing? In that case, I’d rather open the browser version.

Copilot: My mistake, I can’t give a response to that right now. Let’s try a different topic.

I mean, is Copilot just Bing integrated into a fancy side panel? I read about it being like Alexa. Alexa can play music, control your smart home devices, etc. I thought Copilot would do the same for my laptop.

Can someone please explain?