It’s “basically saying to people, ‘Look, you can do things that other people would say are immoral or unethical in terms of your voting decisions, and you can get away with it because the voting booth is private,’” Saunders said.

They said the quiet part out loud.

I’ve been dating this for a while. If you look at the things that the christofascists call people who disagree with them they tell the whole story.

Progressive - they’re bad for looking forward and for making you feel bad for looking backwards.

Woke - they’re bad for being aware of social issues and making your feel bad for being ignorant about them.

Intellectual elitists - they’re bad for being smart and making you feel dumb.

Tolerant - they’re bad for accepting that people who make you feel icky exist and making you feel bad for hating and fearing them.

It’s all about how they feel about themselves and that they feel that they are constantly being avoided for being ignorant, intolerant, regressive hicks. It’s about their seething resentment and manipulating it to convince them to vote against their own self-interest instead of helping them to be better.

So, vote your fear, anger, hatred, and intolerance like no one is watching.

    1 year ago

    Societal pressure is all people have to influence others. Advertising, campaign ads, friends and family, etc. The ballot box is private so people can’t coerce you or punish you which is good.

    But we should absolutely be telling our friends, family, and neighbors how we feel about their political choices if they talk about them. That’s what society is for.

    This ad is taking the protections the secret ballot gives and implies you should lie to others. Which is great if you’re afraid of violence. But if you’re doing it because your ashamed of your vote, perhaps you should consider why you’re ashamed.

      1 year ago

      perhaps you should consider why you’re ashamed.

      Probably because they will never talk to the representative after the election is over. Imagine going to all the trouble of hiring someone to work for you and then not speaking to them again – all while getting angry at them for afar when they fail to do the job the way you want it done because they can’t read your mind. You’d be embarrassed that you took the time to hire someone too.