Just adding more and more clauses until maybe arguably the US (only its clandestine services and a few dozen of its proxies) didn’t brake the “rule” with no consequence since this is just a fiction to mask pure power projection.
Just adding more and more clauses until maybe arguably the US (only its clandestine services and a few dozen of its proxies) didn’t brake the “rule” with no consequence since this is just a fiction to mask pure power projection.
Liberals and conservatives never know anything because they have nothing to build toward, no feedback or consequences
This is why even fascists have better historical analysis than libs, they have a fundamental drive to actually do something and suffer when they do something stupid and get caught. They at minimum want to create a dramatic way for themselves and their society to die. Liberals fundamentally want nothing.
Lib loses an election, they cry but it doesn’t actually affect them.
This is why trans people tend to land much closer to the truth, constantly pushing against patriarchal violence and cishets, esp white libs, never know anything about anything, nothing they do ever actually matters, the state and the culture does all the dirty work and violence for them, they never realize it’s even happening
These people are playing dolls and make believe in Ukraine, just pure bliss and vibes, no sense of tragedy or regret of watching the people of the beautiful Ukrainian Soviet Republic looted and torn to shreds for capital
All vibes and posturing like they’re on stage playing make-believe all the way down