Anyone who knows about kids’ movies knows how popular princess movies are, especially Disney princesses. My child is six and absolutely loves them too. My child also loves princes and kings, but I’m having a hard time finding anything that features a character as easily beloved as Elsa or Moana for example. Even worse, a lot of the times male characters are just antagonists or at least stand in the way of the princess. I’d love to see a movie with a young prince who isn’t evil or dumb (as a joke) that kids can relate to. I think it also be cool if there was singing or magic or anything mystical. My kid kind of likes Shrek but I was hoping to find one about a human prince. The protagonist in the movie The Lorax is a young boy on a good mission, and we like that movie too, but we’re just looking for something bigger. I’m not looking for a movie that’s primarily fighting, a little is okay, but I’d really prefer if the main focus was some honorable endeavor. Am I just missing the prince movies, or are they all about princesses instead?

      1 year ago

      No, inheritance law is clear, they’re on a clear male-only primogeniture system with no election from the peers, Simba was king as soon as his father died, The King is Dead, Long Live the King and such.

      Scar was just a pretender to the throne.

        1 year ago

        But Simba voluntarily went into exile, de facto abdicating the throne to the next heir, which was Scar.

        No pretending, Scar had a legitimate claim!

          1 year ago

          A fair point, if Simba had reached maturity, but as a child King, we must assume that Simba was in regency and decisions vis a vis abdication would have to be approved by the regent in good faith.

          I do not know whether Mufasa had declared a regent to supercede the typical rules that would place Scar in the position, but I think even if you take his manipulations as regent approval we can assume that Scar’s behavior at the least was not in good faith and, IIRC, his assumption of the throne was based on the lie that Simba was dead, not that he abdicated.