On battle.net the Diablo Prime Evil Collection is on sale for $20. I don’t really want to spend $70 on Diablo IV so I am considering this instead. Are the older games still worth playing?

  • @Anonymoose
    1 year ago

    My vote is for D2, D3 to me just wasn’t a standout Diablo game at all. That being said, I was a massive D2 junkie all through highschool so my opinion is very biased here. D2 resurrected gives you a nice polished version of one of the most memorable rpg from that decade. The has aged incredibly well.

    Have you checked out Path of Exile? It’s a great, free game that you can go incredibly far with for free. I really love that game for it’s graphics, gameplay, and character building mechanics.

    • @simo@lemmy.world
      21 year ago

      +1 for PoE. Also new to the game after finishing with D4.

      Only try it when you’re done with the Diablo experimenting and you want a LOT more stuff to chew on.

      Unlike Diablo you can make your character exactly how you want it, with very few limiting factors (as far as I can tell)

      There’s a lot in the game to keep you busy that’s for sure.

  • @HollowNotion@lemmy.world
    41 year ago

    D2 is still fun! Not in the ways that D3 and D4 hit, imo, but for a slower, more measured taste of ARPG-style goodness, I think D2: Resurrected is actually really good. I played it a couple months ago and had a lot of fun (granted, I was a fan of D2 at release… I’m old.)

    • @LetMeEatCake@lemmy.world
      11 year ago

      I play the remastered over this winter, first time playing D2 nearly 20 years… Maybe it’s the nostalgia speaking, but I found, even today, it’s exceptionally strong in the atmosphere department.

      The lore was more threadbare than I remembered, and stamina is an annoying mechanic, but neither of those are all that large of a penalty. The atmosphere carries the story, and stamina basically ceases to matter after act 1 or 2.

      I’d definitely echo your sentiment and say it’s still fun.

  • @WizardHat_Robe@lemmy.world
    31 year ago

    I bought the same pack on sale but for the switch. I loved diablo 2 remastered. Soooo good and the rebalanced abilities make it so many more builds are viable. It is a great ARPG. It definitely shows its age in a lot of ways but is still overall fun and great.

    I have a ton of time in Diablo 3. I love it. It’s a lot like BDO or maplestory if you’ve played either. Kinda hack and slash, go nuts with a bunch of flashy abilities, look for tiny stat boosts to push your character further. Definitely the kinda game that you play with the intention to kill time.

    Diablo 4 is seems like a fun blend of the strong points of both games, but I haven’t played it and can’t say for sure if it’s worth the price point.

  • @sci@feddit.nl
    21 year ago

    I did a ladder season playthrough of D3+expansion last year and had a blast, so i’d say it’s worth it.

  • RxBrad
    21 year ago

    Thanks for the heads up. Diablo 2, and Diablo 3 with all of the expansions seems like a decent deal… Somehow I still haven’t played D2 or D3…

    • RxBrad
      51 year ago

      Lol. I overextended myself a bit and died after a few hours of D2.

      Wasn’t expecting to lose all of my equipment. Woof. Sometimes I forget how unforgiving old games were.

        • RxBrad
          11 year ago

          That’s my plan, but it’s sitting in the middle of a half-dozen huge ogre dudes that obliterated me in no time flat.

          I think I took a wrong turn trying to find Tristram.

  • coffeetest
    21 year ago

    I’ve played D1 and D2 in the early days and loved them. I am not sure they’d hold up today. I looked at D2R and while it hits the nostalgia part hard, I just could not get excited to actually play it. If you are really interested to know what it was like and it would mean something to you to play it, I’d say it could be worth it. My best Diablo experiences were unquestionably with D2.

    I got into D3 very late and while I enjoyed my time with it, it didn’t hook me. I feel like I got my money’s worth for the time I spent with it but it didn’t hold up for me very well.

    From my point of view, I think picking up D4 would be money better spent for what it is already and will likely become over time. D4 is pretty decent and while I have to admit I am a little bored with it it does seem to have a lot of potential. I did feel a bit bad about giving the company my money but I could not resist.

    • @CaliforniaKFBR392@lemmy.world
      -11 year ago

      I’d never played Diablo 2 but always heard great things about it. I think the dated graphics held me back. I played 3 and just played 4 and felt pretty meh about both. I bought D2R a week ago and can’t put it down. Really enjoying it and am amazed that Blizzard didn’t screw the remaster up.

  • Arek
    21 year ago

    Both of the games are fun. However, I’d suggest not giving money to Blizzard. They are not an ethical company. Maybe try out Grim Dawn instead.

  • @Nanno@lemmy.world
    21 year ago

    I cannot comment on diablo 2, but i don’t think diablo 3 is worth it. At this poin i would go for diablo 4 myself. It’s better in every aspect:

    • better and longer story
    • better graphics (but fairly easy to run)
    • some social aspects with the open world, but it’s pretty mild
    • more varied content to do
  • @DanseMacabre@lemmy.world
    21 year ago

    I played D2 for the first time a few months ago. It’s fun, especially early on, but it really drags after a while and gets super repetitive. I definitely think playing them solo is a slog. That’s why I’m waiting to get D4 until more of my friends are also willing to get it.

  • @Easyreever@lemmy.world
    11 year ago

    They’re still fun games. They have a pretty straightforward gameplay, if that’s the type of game you like (dungeon crawler), I say go for it.

  • Drusas
    11 year ago

    Yep, especially after the remaster of Diablo 2.

  • @tcgoetz@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Of the two, I would go with D3. I loved D2 when it came out and tried going back with D2 Resurrected, but it wasn’t the same. D3 is a fun game, but after playing D4 in beta and release, I don’t see me ever going back. POE 2 maybe.