All text below can be safely disregarded. I just didn’t want to delete so the context of the other comment could at least be maintained.

Original Title: “Goodbye for now”

Sidenote: This will be the last meme I’m going to post for a while. Things just exploded in my face and “crisis” isn’t strong enough word. I’m not doing okay and I don’t want to be whining in the comments or maybe lashing out at people because I’m stressed and afraid.

I’ll be back when I can. I dunno when that will be. Love you guys.

Live long and prosper 🖖

Edit: Fucking computers with fucking people and fucking close deadlines and shit being fucking received days before a fucking letter is supposed to go out so the fucking letter is sent fucking preemptively and gives me a fucking stroke.

I’m not going anywhere. Love y’all.

  • gregorum
    359 months ago

    Oh, whatever. Niles would volunteer for assimilation by the Borg Queen if she promised him an invitation to the Collective’s Annual Charity Benefit.

      49 months ago

      I don’t think so. He wouldn’t be part of the upper class anymore as there are no classes. He’d be shock a commoner!

      • @boblin
        39 months ago

        Wouldn’t he consider the collective the upper class, and any non-Borg the commoners? Although he might be at odds with the whole “assimilate” thing.

  • Kichae
    139 months ago

    Glad to hear the explosion has been contained and that you can stand down red alert.

  • Xusontha
    9 months ago

    Well, I’m glad your issues seem to be fixed and that I get more memes

    Computers and people really are stupid sometimes

    49 months ago

    Good callback to Battle of Sector 001 as the USS Bozeman was there in the fight (you can hear it mentioned in the radio chatter).

    Now if it’s that Bozeman that’s… desperate since I don’t see 23rd century ships doing anything to a cube other than “tank a couple of shots” so I hope it’s a Bozeman-A. Like to think Capt. Frazier was still in command.

    • @Stamets@startrek.websiteOP
      39 months ago

      There’s a book called Ship of the Line that states it was indeed a new ship, the Bozeman-A but still under command of Bateson. Granted it’s not considered canon but still fun. Someone mentioned it here on /c/StarTrek recently and I started to read it. Pretty interesting!

    49 months ago

    Fucking computers with fucking peeler and fucking close deadlines and shit being fucking received days before a fucking letter is supposed to go out so the fucking letter is sent fucking preemptively and gives me a fucking stroke.

    I’m so tired of your exaggerating, you always make things 15 thousand times worse than they are!

    I’m glad things ended up working out.

  • Hot Saucerman
    39 months ago


    While I understand your reasons for not wanting to share your problems, I feel like this is a cultural thing and that it is in general a bad thing.

    You’re obviously not the kind of person to go around begging for other people’s help, but at someone else who is similar, I feel strongly that there is a group of people here who would have your back, whether through a GoFundMe or whatever.

    Can’t wait for your triumphant return, Stamets. In the meantime, I hope you consider opening up so your fellow Trekkies can show the power of Federation and Friendship.

    • @Stamets@startrek.websiteOP
      59 months ago

      Well luckily I don’t have to go anywhere. I derped heavily and probably posted it too earlier. Whether or not people would donate to a GoFundMe will have to forever remain to be seen though. No matter what happens with me, I don’t want to have to break that ‘social contract’ with everyone. I have no doubt some people would help but I don’t want to put anyone in that situation, myself included. I like just being the silly meme guy.

      • Hot Saucerman
        9 months ago

        I have no doubt some people would help but I don’t want to put anyone in that situation, myself included.

        The most stressful part of life is that the most compassionate people understand that everyone is in nearly the same bad situation they are in, and it makes it hard to want to ask for help from people struggling as much as you are.

        However, it doesn’t have to be that way, and we don’t have to punish ourselves from needing help from our peers. I don’t have much to give, but I know, in aggregate, every little bit helps. We’re all struggling out here, and we may not be able to give everything to one another, but we can give compassion, and whatever help we can muster. And that means something.

        It’s hard to not have the inclusivity and outright hope from Star Trek influence how I feel in Star Trek forums. The hope for a better future where we work together collectively for a better future for all matters, in my opinion.

        I genuinely hope for the best for you, and all my fellow Trek nerds.

  • Skull giver
    7 months ago

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