Even the department name “Human Resources” is part of the liberal dehumanization process. Notice how the more techbros call things “human” the more dehumanizing and inhumane their actual perspective and intent is? It’s not new, and it’s at least as old as “Human Resources.”
Side effect of business structure being taken from military structure. Still called Personnel in the military, and even Human Resources has been getting rebranded lately. Same shit though
Yeah, it’s still gross, but in some ways, when some techbro talks about enhancing the human connection so humans can better communicate with their fellow humans so humans can be better humans in a more human community, it’s a helpful tell just how alien that shit sounds after while.
Even the department name “Human Resources” is part of the liberal dehumanization process. Notice how the more techbros call things “human” the more dehumanizing and inhumane their actual perspective and intent is? It’s not new, and it’s at least as old as “Human Resources.”
That’s why you’re seeing more and more departments calling themselves the “people team”. Like changing your name makes you less of a ghoul
It felt even more gross when my workplace did this for about five years tbh. They changed it back to Human Resources recently lol
They used to be “Personnel”.
Side effect of business structure being taken from military structure. Still called Personnel in the military, and even Human Resources has been getting rebranded lately. Same shit though
Yeah, it’s still gross, but in some ways, when some techbro talks about enhancing the human connection so humans can better communicate with their fellow humans so humans can be better humans in a more human community, it’s a helpful tell just how alien that shit sounds after while.
Australia renamed the “Department of Human Services” to “Services Australia” a few years ago
My HR team is called the people department.