We’re international so any foreigners to the United States are welcome. The Communist Party of China will be there as well as other communist parties. Join in!

If you’re Indigenous, join us.

If you’re trans, join us.

If you’re neurodivergent, join us.

If you’re BIPOC in general or LGBTQI+ or neurodivergent/autistic, join us.

Please help us out in spreading the word anywhere and everywhere. The event starts in nine days so make sure to put this on your Outlook Calendar or Google Calendar or Vivaldi Calendar or whatever calendar app you use (maybe even a regular calendar). Make sure to set it with notifications since you won’t want to miss this event. It’s quite important within the over-a-hundred-year history of the Communist Party USA thus far.

Note: You do not have to be a member or past member of the Communist Party USA.

Note #2: You do not have to be from the United States (and, in fact, we encourage foreigners to join us, especially those from other communist parties).

From the description within this link:

"During this period of heightened imperialist aggression, we are witnessing the frenzied efforts of the U.S. to preserve its position as global hegemon. NATO is continuing to expand, the new cold war against China is escalating, and Cuba remains under heavy embargo and wrongfully listed as a state-sponsor of terrorism. The current tasks of the international working class are of extreme historical significance.

This conference comes at a very important and dynamic time. US Imperialism is on the march at a rate that we have not seen in decades. The looming end of the unipolar world order is causing much distress among the ruling class and they are desperate to preserve their power. The struggle for democracy and socialism in the United States is inseparable from the struggle against imperialism abroad."

You can find the full link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uFbujAswTPqOwrCEeVJ38A#/registration

We support Landback, decolonization, anti-imperialism, anti-capitalism, and, of course, socialism (and later, communism). We support the labor movement and have many members who are in labor unions. We were there with Chris Smalls in setting up the Amazon Labor Union and JT Chapman (otherwise known as Second Thought) will be there. We are against the fascist menace as well as United States neo-colonialism abroad. We say Hands Off Haiti, Hands Off Tunisia, and Hands Off Peru, wherever US influence, military, and subterfuge is present.

The International Department of the CPUSA also has Red World Review, a new outlet that we’re increasingly updating, which you can find through this link here: https://redworldreview.org

We also invite others to join the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), but of course, learn about the organization first (its history and its politics). You can find our literature here in International Publishers (we urge you to get the books from the original Marxist publisher rather than Amazon) as well as our Party Program here and our Constitution here. You can also contact us by district here.

(And I do suggest you contact us by district rather than by our main email, though you may indeed do that; an application directly to the individual districts will go better as we are currently swamped with messaging and applications and sometimes applications take months to a year and other times they may take a few weeks or a week at most.) So prioritize contacting the district rather than the main body itself. But make sure to do your research, even if you’re already a communist, on the party, its history, its context, its politics, etc. (which means reading some of the literature).

There’s also this neat archive of old CPUSA literature (as well as old Soviet, African, LatAm, and Asian literature) that has been saved from obscurity (over 1,200 works) by a man that goes by “Ismail”; you can access the archive here. I really suggest clicking through it as it’s one of the best-kept secrets on the web and I’d like to spread this person’s good works (as well as hard work) around.

A bunch of members of the CPUSA also made these reading lists to help others get started in learning more about us:

CPUSA Reading List - 2022


Communism Reading Guide


Lastly, since this is Reddit, consider starting an account on Lemmygrad or Hexbear (or both) since they’re both communities untouched by Reddit shenanigans like the API fiasco.

(That’s more of an aside than anything else.)

Anyway, tl;dr: join us for this event.


  • ghostOfRoux();@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I signed up! Our DSA chapter has gone radio silent basically. Been thinking about switching membership over to CPUSA but there is literally zero presence where I live. Idk how active I could be from afar.

      • ghostOfRoux();@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        I’m actually mulling it over. I got an email from a Houston organizer saying the same thing when I switched my email address.

        The main issue is that I live in the heart of the TX panhandle so there are maybe 3 of us that are this far left and maybe a few dozen that are so where on the left in general. I’m considering making a post on one of the communities on here to find othera in my area to gauge interest.

  • albigu@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Nice one. A bit of a short notice for weekday event there, on the 3rd one you could post like a full day before.

    Edit: Oh I’m dumb, I read “June” rather than “July”! Sorry.

  • rjs001@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Just a reminder, this party has a huge amount of opportunists in it and is arguably run by them. Sims is against the idea of the dictatorship of the proletariat and claims that religion is not the opium of the masses. Hardly communist ideals and statements.

      • rjs001@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        He has most definitely made those claims before. It was in a published article by him.

            • Makan ☭ CPUSA@lemmygrad.mlOP
              1 year ago


              It was making fun of trends that he was against and Joe Sims even said that it was in jest, though to be frank, some opinions like that may be held.

              Any communist who lived through the 2000s know that those opinions weren’t exactly frowned upon.

              It was the 1990s/2000s. The “dead” era. The Dead Decades, if anything. Nothing happened. History had ended. You gotta think of the mood in the movement at the time.

  • iriyan@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    If I am not mistaken this party is aligned with the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) which in last week’s election received 7.8% of the vote and 20 out of 300 seats in parliament. This may mean that the KKE has larger membership than CPUSA, not that this really matters.

    The word revolution hasn’t been in the vocabulary of this party for decades, not even by mistake. The material conditions must have not reached optimal ripe status.

  • QueerCommie@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Thanks for the reminder. I went to last year’s and forgot to sign up for this year’s.

    Edit: I realize this post is old, as I went through your posts to see when you were last active, but nonetheless, I’m glad for the reminder.