• @ohlaph@lemmy.world
    999 months ago

    And time. Instead of commuting, I’ll mow my grass, water the plants, do some chores, etc.

    My wife commutes and can’t work remotely. I try to consider that and do more chores to bring balance.

    That extra 20-30 minutes in the morning and 40 minutes in the PM is priceless, actually.

    • guyrocket
      269 months ago

      I agree.

      Time truly is our greatest resource as people and getting some back instead of driving is fantastic.

    • @Blackmist@feddit.uk
      169 months ago

      Took me an hour to get to work, so now I get an extra hour and a half in bed as I get up at 9:30 for my 9am start.

    • @flames5123@lemmy.world
      49 months ago

      Yep. I have to go into the office 3 days a week. I get up for my first meeting, do some light work, then shower and get ready during my working hours, and leave on the bus. I’ll get there around 11-11:30 usually. Then I’ll leave to be home around 5. I’m not wasting my time on this bullshit. Working from home is way more relaxing and efficient.

  • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
    779 months ago

    One criticism of WFH is that you’ll have increased energy bills since you’re home all day. Aside from the obvious reasons that’s wrong, this provides hard data showing that WFH is better for the environment in addition to being better for literally everyone except commercial real estate investors.

    • Hot Saucerman
      9 months ago

      I would assume it takes far more energy on heating/cooling/ventilation systems for large buildings in general than it does for a series of small buildings that have classic ventilation systems called “windows that open to let in fresh air.” Something that is pretty rare in office buildings.

      EDIT: Furthermore, large buildings usually have automated systems that keep it roughly the same temperature throughout the whole building while individuals in their own homes might try to keep heating/cooling bills low by choosing to only heat/cool specific rooms that they’re actually physically using. I know I certainly do this at home, no sense in doing temp control in a room no one is occupying (other than making sure it’s above freezing for pipes, etc.).

        • @fireweed@lemmy.world
          179 months ago

          I once worked in a high-rise office that would get uncomfortably cold (for me) in winter. I thought they were just being stingy with the heating, until I went into the office on a Saturday and found it was pleasantly warm. Turns out all the computers were keeping the office nice and toasty, and they were actively cooling the place during the winter to keep things at a “business temperature.”

    • edric
      189 months ago

      Yeah. Having a laptop and extra monitor on all day at home probably uses less electricity than the fridge.

      • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
        79 months ago

        Ostensibly you could turn down your thermostat during the day to save money, but almost no one does this

        • @Trainguyrom@reddthat.com
          19 months ago

          This depends greatly on the home and how the home is used for how effective changing the thermostat during the day actually is. You have to keep it mildly in a comfortable temperature range to prevent damage to the home, plus any people or animals at home during the day will reduce the savings available by adjusting the thermostat. There’s also the problem of the fact that if you let the home get too far outside of the desired range the HVAC then has to “catch up” for when you get home which may be enough to not only negate but use more energy and if it just stayed at one set temperature.

          All of the increased energy use at home is nothing compared to the energy use of a personal car. My family was able to go down to a single vehicle thanks to hybrid work. Literally an entire car off the road. We live in a rural area where traveling between towns is a requirement and driving your own car is the only way to reliably get between towns, so being a single car family and not missing having a second car is a rare luxury where we live

  • @_number8_@lemmy.world
    549 months ago

    WFH allowance should be mandated – anyone that wants it for a job where it’s possible must be allowed it. it’s such a dramatic quality of life difference.

    • @StThicket@reddthat.com
      249 months ago

      I’m privileged to have a boss not caring where we work from, but i prefer to come into the office once in a while because of my social needs. It’s depressing to stay home day after day, but it’s more productive.

      • @clayj9@lemmy.world
        179 months ago

        That’s great when it’s your choice. The issue is when bosses don’t give people the choice.

      • haruki
        9 months ago

        My boss allows people to WFH officially, but also establishes several small office spaces so people can come to hang out if they feel lonely, or want to get to know their colleagues more. I think this is the best of both world.

      • @SnipingNinja@slrpnk.net
        69 months ago

        Idk how legit it is, but I have read that companies got deals on taxes and such for building their office in the specific city/state and that’s with the expectation that the workers will either live in the city or will be from the city, in turn creating tax income from those workers buying things in the city. Basically because wfh employees also move to cheaper cities the companies are losing their benefits

        • Echo Dot
          59 months ago

          They don’t lose that they gain that because they no longer have to pay for a building.

          The companies that lose out are the ones that decide to do this stupid hybrid system which is literally the worst of both worlds. The company has a building that they have to pay upkeep on, while also having the IT costs of managing a off-site VPN.

          • @Trainguyrom@reddthat.com
            49 months ago

            As someone who works at a company that’s permanently hybrid I have to disagree. We now literally have more employees at our corporate office than we have desks, and because all of our employees are 60-90% remote we can pull talent from a larger distance while still being able to have in-person meetings and in-person power sessions for large projects. But by continuing to have an office we have a central location for shipping and receiving, a secure and static space for meeting, working on projects and training plus core infrastructure and roles that don’t work well remotely can still be on premises. Its literally the best of both worlds.

          • @TheRTV@lemmy.film
            29 months ago

            Just to be clear, I’m not arguing against WFH, just providing possible reasons big companies are against it.

            They don’t lose that they gain that because they no longer have to pay for a building.

            That only applies to companies that rent. If they own the building, then an empty office becomes a waste

            The companies that lose out are the ones that decide to do this stupid hybrid system which is literally the worst of both worlds.

            I disagree on that one. Not everyone wants to WFH or do it full time. Also if they meet with outside persons regularly, like customers and want to do it in person, having an office is useful. Obviously this does not apply to all companies, but it’s wrong to say that the hybrid system is the worst.

  • K[r]ukenberg
    549 months ago

    Study in US

    The difference is likely less in developed countries with functional public transport

    • @newde@feddit.nl
      389 months ago

      And if they drive, they drive less ridiculous cars. The fact that the F150 is the most sold car in the US is just mind boggling.

      • @Da_Boom@iusearchlinux.fyi
        109 months ago

        Is it bad that I’m seeing more and more of those huge ass trucks here in Australia?

        Those trucks make no sense to me.

        • @bedo6776@lemmy.world
          29 months ago

          Yes, as an American that prefers to drive small cars I feel like driving is no longer safe. I can’t see past any of the tank sized cars that make up 75% of the vehicles on the road and I know, from experience, how destructive getting hit by one of those vehicles can be. I’m down to driving 1-2 times per month and I’m terrified every time I get behind the wheel. The only reason I keep a car is to visit family that lives about 130km away since the Republicans in my area have killed every train project between my hometown and my parents’ town.

      • Echo Dot
        49 months ago

        Is it really a proper car if it does more than four miles to the gallon?

        • TheHarpyEagle
          69 months ago

          The sad thing is, I really want a truck for transporting stuff for hobbyist gardening and woodworking, but it’s so hard to find a truck that isn’t 20ft tall with more cabin than bed space. Two door trucks are getting harder to find.

          • @coffeeaddict@lemm.ee
            19 months ago

            Wouldn’t they just hire a truck if they ever need that? I mean that’s what we did, we moved twice in the last 20 years and one involved moving over 300 miles away to another city

              • @coffeeaddict@lemm.ee
                19 months ago

                I mean there are companies that do this for you, carry everything over (from the front of house to placing them inside as well, like couches and tv and everything) so you don’t do anything really except paying them money (and ask for refund if they broke something 😡). Like I guess it’s called forwarding

  • WhyIDie
    9 months ago

    people who burn less gas and consume less resources burn less gas and consume less resources, more news at 11.

    but it’s nice they’re pinning numbers onto the amounts

  • @Geek_King@lemmy.world
    519 months ago

    As a full time remote worker, I can confirm, I’m driving so much less. My commute prior to the pandemic was 18 minutes (12.7 miles one way), so 25 miles round trip with 36 minutes spent driving each work day. My commute was short compared to a lot of other people I worked with who’d drive 45 minutes one way, some 1 hour one way! That’s a lot of driving that can be cut out if the role allows for remote work.

    • ryan213
      519 months ago

      I find I’m less angry too. A lot of bad drivers out there. Lol

      • steebo_jack
        109 months ago

        Ah yah…lots of stupid drivers here just piss me off…lots of traffic compared to last year too…

      • @fluxion@lemmy.world
        99 months ago

        Just being stuck in traffic when you could be getting shit done is what gets me. Time/money/carbon emissions… just wasteful in every way

      • The Pantser
        79 months ago

        I have a theory about the increase of bad drivers that seems to have happened after the pandemic. So most of the higher paid desk jobs where usually people are more intelligent mostly went to WFH. So there are less intelligent people on the road than there used to be. So now it’s all idiots in cars taking free reign of the roads. Less traffic causes the idiots to be able to more freely speed and run reds. I know since working from home I drive about 90% less and when I do I am scared for my life.

        • @SheeEttin@lemmy.world
          179 months ago

          As someone who works a desk job, no, there are lots of idiots in those jobs, and lots of smart people digging ditches.

      • @travysh@lemm.ee
        29 months ago

        I’m lucky enough to have multiple routes to my office.

        During the times that taking the back roads is dramatically slower, I’ll go on the interstate. Holy hell my stress and anger levels rocket when doing that.

    • @AlexWIWA@lemmy.ml
      279 months ago

      I also eat at home a lot more which has a far lower ecological cost than going out to eat

      • Hot Saucerman
        159 months ago

        And healthier, since restaurants tend to go all out on sugar, fat, and salt to make their meals tasty.

        • metaStatic
          09 months ago

          Food isn’t medicine, it’s allowed to be healthy and tasty

          • Hot Saucerman
            9 months ago

            For sure, it’s just that restaurants more often than not take shortcuts that aren’t healthy to achieve the tasty. I fully agree that you can make healthier and still very tasty food at home, they’re not mutually exclusive.

      • ryan213
        79 months ago

        Yeah, we make large portions when we cook so I can freeze the leftovers for lunch.

      • @Thurgo@lemm.ee
        39 months ago

        It’s a good idea to change your oil every 12 months even if you don’t reach the mileage for the maintenance interval. The heat cycles from the engine creates condensation in the engine and the water reacts with the petroleum in the oil and produces some not nice stuff. I haven’t been reaching my interval but my car will still beep at me 30 days before the last oil monitor reset.

      • @0110010001100010@lemmy.worldOP
        9 months ago

        I changed mine before a ~1500 mile road trip summer of 2022. Flipped to the percentage (Honda) the other day just out of curiosity and it’s still at 60%, lol. I put so few miles on that thing it’s crazy. I sometimes go a few miles to lunch. Outside that we use it for hardware store runs here and there. I guess I did drive it to a wedding a couple weeks back but that was because I knew we would be parking in a farm field and it’s my only 4 wheel drive vehicle. Probably should change the oil before winter just for good measure.

  • @SirEDCaLot@lemmy.fmhy.net
    9 months ago

    Um… no fucking shit.

    Transporting millions of people dozens of miles twice a day OF COURSE has resource costs, in carbon and pollution and energy consumption. This shouldn’t be rocket science. Sadly it is for people who are afraid of change.

    It also saves the workers money (as they don’t have to pay for fuel or public transit), it saves the company money (as they don’t have to pay for office space), it saves the environment (as you don’t have pollution from commutes), it reduces traffic (as you don’t have as many commuters at rush hour), and it’s generally good for just about everybody except commercial real estate developers renting out overpriced office buildings and Starbucks that’s paying absurd rents to be in the bottom floor of those overpriced office buildings. And of course middle managers who think that hounding their employees in person somehow accomplishes something.

  • @crackajack@reddthat.com
    9 months ago

    That much is obvious. And for us commuters of public transport, it is such a relief to notice the traffic is not as bad and heavy as they used to be pre-pandemic, due to people now working from home.

    With many businesses now wanting workers to return working on site, I think this shows the true colours of capital-owning class in relation to climate-change. Despite all the shifting of responsibility to make consumers monitor carbon-footprint, and corporate marketing of supposedly environmentally-friendly products, if CEOs and billionaires truly care about the environment, they would not even demand workers to return working on-site 5 days a week. Green-washing indeed.


    • @solstice@lemmy.world
      119 months ago

      The most amazing part of the pandemic was during the peak of all the lockdowns when nature came roaring back within weeks. My gf and I took a walk around a closed college campus nearby and we saw at least ten different kinds of creatures roaming around without a care in the world. Deer, rabbits, turtles, you name it.

      Personally I prefer office but I totally get it, and do plenty of wfh when appropriate. The business world is still transitioning to WFH/hybrid/full office models so hopefully we’ll reach an equilibrium soon.

    • dumples
      89 months ago

      I know it has reduced my food spending and leftover utilization.

  • @assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
    309 months ago

    I went from commuting close to 2 hours daily, with much of that spent stuck in traffic, to working fully remotely. I’d have to get gas every week. Now I go weeks at a time before needing to get gas.

    Even better, I used to work for a chemical company part of one of the big oil and gas corporations. Now I work for a green energy company. It cracks me up just how different the two situations are.

  • @astral_avocado@lemm.ee
    9 months ago

    I bike to work and turn off my AC/heat and power strips at home before I ride off. I wish everyone could experience how easy this is, I fucking hate driving through traffic.

    • @chiliedogg@lemmy.world
      199 months ago

      I wish I could do that again like I did in college.

      But we just had 2 months straight with temperatures over 100 degrees where I’m at, and affordable housing is 30 miles from where people work. So going to work would take forever, be miserable, and require a shower upon arrival.

      I just got offered an awesome new job that pays half again more than I make now, but it’s further into the city, and a 300sft studio apartment within 15 miles of my new job is $2,500/month.

      The cheapest home in the City is 1.8 million dollars, and the median price is 2.6 million.

      Paying the car note, gas, and rent on 1200sft where I’m at saves me a thousand dollars a month versus moving closer, AND the new job actually pays a fuel stipend because literally nobody at the company lives within a half-hour drive of the office, so it’s even better to live where it’s cheaper.

      We’d move the office, but we’re municipal employees and It’s hard to justify moving City Hall out of the city

    • @solstice@lemmy.world
      159 months ago

      I would ride to work but there’s so many reasons not to. I’ve tried before, and almost died several times because of asshole drivers and half asleep morons still putting on makeup or drinking coffee or whatever. The bike lanes are a joke and people treat them like passing lanes to get one car length ahead in stop-go traffic. I’ve ridden with pants on once and got a giant oil stain on my leg from the bike chain. Even if none of that happens, it’s extremely hot and humid where i live almost year round, and I wear business casual so I’m drenched in sweat before too long. I wish I could make it work but…no…and of course there’s no reliable public transportation.

        • @solstice@lemmy.world
          49 months ago

          Nope not even close. I hear some buildings have gyms downstairs so I suppose I could keep work clothes in the locker and ride to and from in street clothes. I’m in the job market so I’ll look into it.

      • @astral_avocado@lemm.ee
        9 months ago

        I’ve tried before, and almost died several times because of asshole drivers and half asleep morons still putting on makeup or drinking coffee or whatever. The bike lanes are a joke and people treat them like passing lanes to get one car length ahead in stop-go traffic.

        Yeah man, I completely understand. I’m very very lucky to live in a cooler climate, only a few miles from my work, with somewhat decent bike lanes (although a joke compared to anywhere in Europe), and I don’t sweat too bad lol.

        I try to convince a lot of my friends to give bicycling a try but I totally understand if they’re afraid of traffic. It’s fucked up that we’re forced to ride completely unseparated from cars and giant fucking trucks swinging all over the road.

  • guyrocket
    279 months ago

    I have solar panels on my roof. My employer’s building does not.

  • BeautifulMind ♾️
    199 months ago

    Well, I’ve traded burning fuel for burning internet and electricity at my home. My electricity at home is mostly solar (from my roof) and hydro from the grid (I live in Washington State).

    Working from home spares me ~20 uncompensated transit hours a week, so the emissions difference (whether I use transit or drive) is substantial and so is the cost savings (in fuel and parking). FWIW, my employer will pay for my transit fares (but not fuel or parking) and that’s nice and all, but I’m squeamish about transit during flu/covid season because of all those coughing people going in to jobs that don’t encourage them to stay home while sick.

    I’m able to work more hours when I do it from home because I’m not constrained by transit schedules/catching the last train out of town, and that way I still come out ahead in terms of having time with my kids, and I have time to take grocery shopping and meal planning and prep off of my wife’s plate.

    It’s better this way, not just in terms of cost and environmental impact and quality of life, but productivity-wise.

  • @NigelFrobisher@aussie.zone
    179 months ago

    There are so many CEOs putting their own private portfolio over the companies they supposedly run having a high staff attrition, and yet “they command such big salaries because they take on so much risk”.