I feel like the whole kbin UI is very convoluted. It’s hard to find a view that shows only posts from my subscribed subs. The create post button is super far away from the actual sub. What even is a Microblog? Or why is there a people tap? Who actually cares about following someone and stuff? Am I posting a post or a microblog thing right now? Why can’t I enter a title? If it’s not a post, where do I find the posting option?

I really want this to be awesome and a good Reddit replacement, but I feel everything is way too hidden and convoluted right now…


  • Curious Canid@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Microblogging is like Twitter while Magazines are more like reddit. There is something to be said for supporting both on one platform.

    I also found kbin harder to get around at first, but I got used to it before long. It’s also pretty new and is evolving quickly. Some of the UI issues look more like the results of an incomplete feature set rather than bad UI design. I suspect it will make more sense as it fills in and matures.

    And if you just don’t find it comfortable you can always try a Lemmy instance instead. It is further along in its development and has more of a reddit-type UI.