How close was it?

    1 year ago

    So, a few years back, probably a bit more than a decade, there was one hell of a conflict on the village I lived, with gangs every corner and tensions rising. The police didn’t do shit and crime was through the roof. One day, one of the gang leaders was murdered and a whole war between the gangs developed. And instead of fucking helping, the government decided to isolate the place, no one in and no one out, fuck the civilians. A week into this war, explosives were used to destroy buildings and spread chaos, both from the gangs and military alike. Me and my family hid wherever we could, but it was never enough to be safe for a long period of time. Three of my family members died during the first week, trying to find food. Then the military decided to make an assault with everything they had and raided the entire place. Me, and everyone else, ran for our lives or hid on any building they could. I hid on a small house, but it was not built using the best of materials, and it collapsed over me due to a bomb detonating nearby. I woke up on a hospital about a month later with a broken leg.