Texas’s heavily Democratic 18th Congressional District has an empty seat. State law gives Greg Abbott the power to delay the election to fill it.
This makes perfect sense in the Banner State. If a representative is weak enough to die (or w**** enough to retire early) their p***** derserve a punishment.
Trying to deconstruct what words mysterious need censoring
If you’re witch enough to retire, you getting your pussy punished
Vote his dumb ass out. Abbott does not represent Texans nor has he ever stood for anyone’s interests but his own.
Too many of them have been smoking cow patties for too long to change that.
Sadly that’s nearly impossible due to gerrymandering. For example, this is one of the districts in the state shaped to confine as many blue votes as possible to a single district: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas’s_35th_congressional_district
Governor is a statewide race, gerrymandering may discourage a certain amount of voting due to apathy, but it doesn’t really change how votes are counted.
Also, Biden AND Harris received more votes than Abbott did in the last three races. We have the votes to remove him, just not the will.
No representation you say?
With taxation you say?
:: eye twitches in Bostonian::
Are people from the district protesting not having representation?
People need to leave the states that hate them. I know its hard and money and all but GTFO.
This is the inevitable result of Democrats always running geriatric candidates.