cross-posted from:
Even with the caveats about limited data and untangling causation and correlation, the statistics are striking: the first year of a scheme in Wales where the speed limit on urban roads was lowered to 20mph resulted in about 100 fewer people killed or seriously injured.
Live in Wales so I have skin in this game…
Observations: 20mph limit means most people drive below 30 in urban areas.
20mph might not be universal in UK but many many places I drive through over the border in Engerland have a 20 limit.
Most roads with a 20 limit have an average speed of… Stationary /walking pace anyway.
The mandatory 20 limit was proposed and supported by Welsh right of centre politicos who dropped it like a hot potato on implementation - it was was weaponised legislation used as a stick with which to beat the left of centre Welsh Government Assembly ruling party.
My commute of 16 miles each way, though mainly through urban areas, has about 500m of 20mph limit… Commute time is unaffected. I’m all right Jack!
Over all I like the 20mph limit and the shouty loudmouths who don’t have failed to engage critical thinking.
My small town has just moved to 20 mph and boy it feels slow in a car. However it’s just so much better when I’m on the bike or needing to cross the road. Where I walk my dog I need to cross the road on a bend in the road so cars come quickly. I’ll often run across that section of road because it’s dangerous. Since the change it’s now no longer a problem.
I love it on my road bike. It makes a change for cars to be holding me up. I’m waiting for the day when some driver moans at me for going faster than 20 mph.
It’s definitely calmer. I’m all for it!
After watching the Not Just Bikes video on speed limits, I decided to drive only 20 mph through the neighborhood. I really like it. I can actually appreciate people’s landscaping. I can wave at people being outside. I can notice far more details all about. Most importantly, I can stop almost immediately if needed. I can’t care less about anyone driving behind me, because nowhere in my suburban city is worth getting to in a hurry.
I’m all in if this means there’s a public transportation option that goes faster than that, so I’ll only use my car if I must, but knowing there’s always a quicker way.
Car = Conveyance of Aggressive Reality
Well we don’t have large sea mammals that roam our streets here in America so it’s never been a huge issue. I mean 20 mph seems excessive really considering their size.
They’re big, but the number of unsuspecting drivers making a wrong turn and driving into Wales is shocking…
Slow down the motor vehicles, make streets & sidewalks safer for actual humans who are out & about on foot, on wheels & so forth
an estimated 10 fewer deaths and a nearly one-third drop in overall casualties
Nothing like misrepresenting statistics to really sway people.
The article says both:
the first year of a scheme in Wales where the speed limit on urban roads was lowered to 20mph resulted in about 100 fewer people killed or seriously injured.
and then later…
While Welsh government statisticians warn that at least three years’ data will be needed for a meaningful conclusion, the road casualty figures – showing an estimated 10 fewer deaths and a nearly one-third drop in overall casualties – follow research from insurers indicating that 20mph zones appear to be bringing down the number of claims.
There’s a citation for the first number 100 but the citation for the second number doesn’t say anything about 10 people.
So it seems like 100 might be the more accurate number. I wouldn’t blame OP. Sloppy article.
What is misrepresented?
See my reply for what I think they’re talking about. 100 vs 10 in article.
But it’s my right and… freedom yadda yadda
I thought they drove on the left in Wales?