It’s a holiday in Canada, so no work for US companies. And many Canadians are already going hard on boycotting american products. Solidarity.
It’s a holiday in Canada, so no work for US companies. And many Canadians are already going hard on boycotting american products. Solidarity.
Print them out and tape them up. Online only goes so far.
Since your first comment in this community was a wife joke, please try to be more constructive in the future.
You’re gunna hate to learn about how we got the 5 day work week.
proceeds to be completely ignored and ineffective
Just Lemmy things ⛏️
Bingo. There aren’t simply a handful of uniquely shitty people who just happen to be uber rich and when they’re gone all will be fixed. When our economic and political systems enable and encourage the existence of such people, another one will always fill the void until we reform or replace the root cause.
Is wealth a euphemism for piss?
Public transport is great until you have to take multiple hops on extremely busy, infrequently running services which arent even direct
It’s worth pointing out that this not a function of public transit but rather of car-centric design where private vehicles are the fastest and most convenient means of transportation. It also harms those who cannot afford a private vehicle and those with disabilities preventing them from driving.
ask why I purchased the truck
Why did you purchase the truck?
It’s the law where I live too, but I have never seen it enforced or even heard of it being enforced before until reading your comment.
Release the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog!!!
I wouldn’t even call it an experiment since it has been successfully implemented in London, Singapore (since 1975!), San Diego, Milan, Stockholm, and other cities.
People from the UK are welcome here.
Sheriffs can literally walk into a church and deputise everyone.
Be more constructive next time.
Going all in on oil and AI is short-sighted to put it mildly.