• DarkSpectrum@lemmy.world
    6 days ago

    OP, you’re clearly on a path to enlightenment, which as a process is expected to undermine previous ‘knowledge’. However, you’re here attempting to guide and teach others using the logic of limited concious awareness that is bound by scientific observation and preferences for opposing dualities. In other words, minds lost in delusion. Even the use of words, which are only a representation of reality, are not sufficient for the task.

    Regarding cause and effect, I’ll say this: It’s common to think the past effects the future due to the illusion of time. When a boat passes by and we see the wake, we say boat is cause and wake is effect. But the boat does not make the water move. With modern science we understand that the boat and the water are atomic matter, it is the atom that moves, and we do not know what moves the atom and creates form. Further, a conclusion reached based on a convenient seperation of concpets, i.e. considering only the boat and wake separate from the entire cosmos, is laughable.

    True cause, or the one great matter, is a mystery and cannot be known. The true effect is the eternal and unwavering present moment.