Hello selfhosted! Sometimes I have to transfer big files or a large amounts of small files in my homelab. I used rsync but specifying the IP address and the folders and everything is bit fiddly. I thought about writing a bash script but before I do that I wanted to ask you about your favourite way to achieve this. Maybe I am missing out on an awesome tool I wasn’t even thinking about.
Edit: I settled for SFTP in my GUI filemanager for now. When I have some spare time I will try to look into the other options too. Thank you for the helpful information.
What’s wrong with rsync? If you don’t like IP addresses, use a domain name. If you use certificate authentication, you can tab complete the folders. It’s a really nice UX IMO.
If you’ll do this a lot, just mount the target directory with sshfs or NFS. Then use rsync or a GUI file manager.
Just don’t run rsync as a daemon as that’s a security nightmare
Why would you do that? That sounds awful…
It is, rsync sends data in plain text. There is a optional password that is also sent in plain text.