This is objectively false. Early lidar systems did have crosstalk interference and mitigations have been designed and working for years.
It’s like saying you can’t have WiFi cause if all your neighbors do it won’t work. As these systems hit the real world mitigations get designed to handle these types of issues.
This is objectively false. Early lidar systems did have crosstalk interference and mitigations have been designed and working for years.
It’s like saying you can’t have WiFi cause if all your neighbors do it won’t work. As these systems hit the real world mitigations get designed to handle these types of issues.
The mitigations work in small numbers, none of them seem like they would work in large amounts of traffic
Open your phone and see how many WiFi networks are in your immediate vicinity.
I literally work in wifi networks and deal with this issue every day.
The IT guys at work are really unhappy with how much our teams shit all over 2.4, 5ghz and 6ghz.
At enough scale it’s a problem.
There’s simply not enough scale.