Pineapple. Deal with it.
I do pineapple and bacon instead of the pineapple and ham combo and I think it is far superior.
And for even more exciting flair, I think Korean fried chicken sauce is good on pizza too, with the earthy and spicy gochujang, garlic, and sesame. I’ll add it to any pizza, plain, pepperoni, or pineapple bacon.
Pepperoni pineapple all day. It’s the best. Fight me.
Hell yeah! With extra red chili flakes. Sweet and spicy. I’m down to fight tho, let’s go
No, my friend. For it is true.
I can’t 😭
mmm the best pizza in my town is from a Greek restaurant, and my favorite is with gyro and feta. lawd have mercy…
Oregano. For some reason, my local pizza place takes extra money for putting oregano on the pizza. No problem, I have my own supply of oregano for my pizza.
Power move
Meatballs. Have yet to see any pizzeria offer it but whenever we do a homemade pizza and there happens to be leftover meatballs, it’s fantastic.
A drizzle of honey is pretty damn good on pepperoni pizza
Hot honey
Gyro meat. It’s like sausage but better. Fantastic with Canadian bacon and salami.
Also, salami.
Butter chicken pizza! (Butter chicken sauce instead of tomato sauce)
Sounds interesting.
Literally free vitamins. You can slap some leaves on any pizza and improve it.
pickled red onions
Artichokes are so good on pizza
Wild garlic ( Bärlauch in German)
Anchovies. Salty oily goodness
I used to get it on my pizza at work knowing none of my coworkers would steal it.
None of the pizza places near me even have it as a topping 😭
Rucola, also known as arugula or rocket.
I mean, have you ever seen potato on a pizza? I haven’t.
Boston Pizza:
Mashed potatoes on pizza is incredible and I’m being 100% serious
Yes, back around 24 years ago I was picking my sister up from her university and went into the student union building. The pizza place inside had a pizza with potatoes, broccoli and some kind of meat. I believe it was called the Sunday dinner pizza.
When I was in college the pizza place in the student union building did a loaded baked potato pizza. Slices were like 4cm tall! Russet potato, cheddar, green onions and bacon. It was the same price as the other topped pizza slices and one slice would fill me up for the day. Miss that. Never seen it anywhere else.
Not a topping but mustard as a dipping sauce for my pizza crust. I’m not a crust person. But dipping dry crunchy crust into mustard almost feels like eating a pretzel.
Tastes great with pepperoni too.