Hi everyone. I’m Cinder Bloc. I joined Lemmy very recently, and this was the first community I went looking for. Did some digging and realized that the creator had abandoned the community and deleted their account. I requested to take over, and here we are.
So, for now, bear with me a little as I get a handle on how things work.
Otherwise, let’s get this thing going and active, and post that Intel.
Let’s do this. Deleted my pretty little reddit account and my alts.
them reptilians gots radios in they teeth…dont trust em…
Do you mod the Reddit intelprepper sub also? Have you reached out to other mods there to take some of the burden off your shoulders?
No, I am not affiliated with that subreddit, other than as a member.
I haven’t reached out to anyone yet.
Not exactly on topic, but I just thought of this today: if you selfhost Lemmy, then after the end of the world you can scroll through years worth of shitposts from the comforts of your bunker. You could even properly keep posting or reply to any post or comment. There would just be no one to federate it to or reply back.
Hi, how do you exepct this place to be structured/organized? Are the rules in the sidebar recent?
Solid question. Since I just took over mod duties this morning, I don’t have a great answer for you at the moment. I still need time to read over the current rules, see what I think might need to be updated, and go from there.
So, be patient with me, and I’ll get there.
Sure been at your spot two times.
What exactly is the intel?
Well, in this particular post, just me introducing myself.
Smart, thanks
Hi Cinder Bloc. I’m new here too. Seeing as we are working with a relatively blank slate, and please forgive my ignorance, but would it be possible to have a flaring system or even a template of posts for the differing types of Intel. Weather, politics, bird flu etc. also rules about clickbait headlines wouldn’t be a bad idea.
We can be ignorant together, because I don’t know the answer to that question. I’m still getting a handle on the mod tools. I like your suggestion though, so I will file that away to look into further.