I’ve tried watching videos about it, but they are not analysing the reasons. Instead it’s just whining about the symptoms and hypocrisy of rich CEOs firing employees then buying a yacht. We all know it’s terrible, but my question is “why”. “herp derp, capitalism” and “omg, it’s the fucking CEOs” doesn’t explain anything.

  • Katana314@lemmy.world
    9 days ago

    I would really really encourage spreading this frustration past the edge of the gaming industry.

    No one likes talking about politics, until it affects their lives. Well, the ruling of the gaming industry by shareholders and MBAs affects you now.

    There’s also internet providers, food supply companies, energy companies, and all types that are inflating their value and mass firing workers to make the world terrible and their CEO pay higher. If you can suggest a better way to curb that than government regulation, I’m all for it, but until then, vote in people that will force accountability. I have my own thoughts on who that means but will end the soapbox there since I’m sure we’d rather be gaming.