America, thanks to the Communist Republicans, just reaffirms that America is and hasn’t been the leader of the free world.
Just to be clear, this was pretty much ALWAYS his plan. Pretending otherwise was an exercise in self-deception. This is 0% surprising (though it is infuriating).
Which is why the election results were so painful. It’s like being able to see a train coming at you and staying on the track to just see what happens.
No. It’s being tied to the tracks and being helpless to escape.
Same 🫠
Agreed, Trump has always hated Zelenskyy ever since he tried to extort him for his sugar daddy, failed, and got impeached for it so this was always the plan. And we all knew his communist Republican allies in Congress was going to follow whatever this fat, orange Putin swallower was going to do.
Like you said, just absolutely infuriating but not surprising.
What is it with calling Republicans communists? It just suggests ignorance of what communism is. Is it because they’re affiliated with Russia? Russia stopped being communist in 1991. It would be better to call them Putinists, or kleptocratic-dictator-loving, crooked, anti-American traitors.
I love the uneducated
Exactly. Communists are more like Stalin and Mao.
No, those are authoritarians. Communism is just what they wrapped their regimes in.
Actual communists include Marx and Lenin
Weird how that keeps happening.
It’s almost as though the problem with every socioeconomic system of governance can just be reduced to greedy sociopathic shit heels ruining everything for everyone.
Some would say that’s where the rot set in.
The only consistency Trump has ever shown is being an asshole, and being a Russian stooge.
The one conflict we should be supporting…and instead, he’s intent on turning the genocide up to 11 in Gaza. This timeline is crazy.
Let’s hope the EU comes up and backs Ukraine more. At this point, the only thing the U.S. can be trusted with is being a Russian muppet for Putin.
Do they have any other option? If Ukraine falls they’re next.
Even in such a dire situation (forget Ukraine for a second, I say this as a Ukrainian), they are going to be extremely slow and reactive.
If they had any brains (or balls), the EU leaders would have gone on full war footing (both in terms of industrial production and military preparedness) three years ago. But as we can see they just wanted to kick the can down the road and avoid difficult decisions.
Look at how Russia is struggling with Ukraine, especially considering their losses. They wouldn‘t stand a chance against the EU.
It depends on how effective Russia is in subverting the EU countries from within. Every one of those countries has quislings like Orban.
Nah, it’ll keep going to Ukraine - just to the other side of the front line.
A Russian asset trough and trough.
Meet the new boss…
Genocide Joe -> Genocide Trump