
“Pretty shitty how baseline human activities like singing, dancing, and making art got turned into skills instead of being seen as behaviors, so now it’s like ‘the point of doing them is to get good at them’ and not ‘this is a thing humans do, the way birds sing and bees make hives.’”

    16 days ago

    This post has had me thinking for most of a day. I kind of love the phrase that these are things that humans just do.

    But I think that learning and improving and sharing ideas and methods are perhaps even more a thing that people do. So, practicing and studying e.g. music or dance should be peak human activity.

    Making it a business is… let’s say an opportunistic option. Definitely should not be a necessity or a default, but possibly an option.

    (40+ years of music practice for me, too. I’ll never be professional, but I also won’t voluntarily ever stop.)