We have to agree where we ARE before we stand a chance to agree about what we do from here.

  • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    “conservatives” globally have been given more grace and caused more destruction outside of any groups other than literal nazi’s and fascists, of which they are the gateway drug. We put up with them and they offer almost nothing constructive to society.

    They aren’t idiots, and if they were even a bit intellectually curious, they would know better.

    Fuck them, fuck fascists, and fuck this sublemmy. It should be removed. The time for grace is over. The gracious that has been offered to conservative movements has been trampled upon repeatedly and perpetually bad this bad faith ideology.

      • Lemminary@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Tbf, that reeducation would realistically look like your local middle & high school curriculum 😂

        • PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          I mean, maybe it would look like your middle or high school. My middle and high schools taught me that the civil war wasn’t about slavery. Like if you circled “slavery” on the multiple choice “what was the civil war about” test question, it would be marked wrong. This was in state-funded public school too, not some ultra-conservative private school or homeschooling. And that’s only one example of the conservative propaganda that was fed to us in school. Some of the most conservative people I know were straight-A students. For people who live in liberal areas, it can be difficult to even comprehend how deep the conservative lies go, and how soon they start.

          Saying “just send them back to school” is reductionist, because they did pay attention in school. They simply never questioned what the school had taught them, and took the info at face value. And that is honestly a large part of conservative conditioning; Don’t question the authorities. Don’t question the church. Don’t question the leaders. Don’t question your teachers. If someone is a higher authority or social status than you, you take them at their word. A child’s place is to be seen, not heard. If someone has been raised to never question authority, can they really be blamed for failing to do so when in school? Conservative ideology is rooted in conformity. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down. And questioning conservative authority is historically rewarded with a big fucking hammer.