this isnt actually me its just a meme i am sharing

    13410 months ago

    Time to find employment that doesn’t involve being a soul-sucking leech on society.

              • 10EXP
                10 months ago

                It’s one thing to ask someone to make a sacrifice for a cause, it’s another to tell someone to starve themselves, and potentially their family, to death if they are completely unable to get a job which doesn’t require them to work for someone who is a leech on society. At least attempt to understand the context.

            1810 months ago

            This is not meant to be dismissive but this maybe the best paying job for ops area/experience. They may not have the means to get a better job. While I understand the need to actually contribute to society. Starving to achieve that isn’t going to help anyone.

              -210 months ago

              You’re describing an industry that exists to employ people desperate enough to abuse other people like it’s a good thing.

                10 months ago

                Damn bro you mean people need money to survive???

                You mean because money reigns above all people who have none will take jobs they normally wouldn’t because they’re fucking starving???

                Almost like we should take care of the poor so they won’t have to take these parasitic jobs (which are created by parasitic people at the top not the bottom) and can survive???

                Take your “altruistic” bullshit somewhere where people can survive comfortably on the bare minimum.

                And since those places barely exist outside of small areas I would say please hold your breath. That way at least a piece of shit dies instead of someone who performed the crime of being born poor

                  -410 months ago

                  I’d starve before harming others like that, and on more than one occasion in life I’ve opted the course that was more damaging to myself because of that reason. Pity you’re too selfish to say the same. I’m going to go ahead and block you though because you’ve shown me clearly that I don’t want to read anything you have to say, so thanks for that at least. Good luck with figuring out how not to be human garbage.

      • @cooopsspace
        710 months ago

        The free market is one idea, but how about legislation to force insurance companies to pay out for illnesses that natural born human beings get and stop screwing Americans.

          • @cooopsspace
            10 months ago

            The free market is supposed to be about competition, that’s why basically every industry in the US is made up of 3-5 mega corps that collude together to fuck Americans.

            Insurance industry is like a 500m sprint where every runner has agreed to only walk. Hence nobody has better service, no innovation, costs are high and customers lose out.

  • PrettyFlyForAFatGuy
    4110 months ago

    i worked in tech support and we were told off for eating crisps (chips for the americans) while on the phone to clients.

    i will help resolve your tech issues with my dorito fingers

  • ReCursing
    1310 months ago

    Hey, do the world a favour my dude: punch your boss right in the kisser

    • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
      210 months ago

      Have you tried assaulting your boss and restarting your superhero career?

      Let’s be honest here: Going by traditional superhero storytelling, the hero assaults his boss NOT because he’s sick and tired of telling people they’re going to suffer and die (or their loved ones), it’ll be because his boss yells at him or turns him down for a promotion. No traditional hero throws away a vicious career for the sake of others, they do it because they were personally affected.

      Not saying there aren’t stories that break this mould (why is this registering as a spelling error?), but traditionally this is how the story goes. Basically it’s the idea of ‘no point helping others until I don’t get what I want’.

      I really hate traditional superhero stories.

      110 months ago

      Or at least posting their address for everyone? Or posting an insider’s guide on how to game the insurance company.