I just started watching Voyager on Paramount Plus today, and noticed that the first two episodes, which are shown together, are presented as the appropriate 4:3 aspect ratio, but Episode 3 “Parallax” is presented in a distorted 16:9 or 16:10 format. I see no option to change this in Paramount Plus settings, and my Vizio TV will also not allow me to alter what ratio is being displayed.

Anyone else have this issue? Is this going to persist for the entire series? I didn’t have this issue at all with TOS, Animated, TNG, or DS9.

  • Twopaw@meow.social
    1 year ago

    @danielquinn @jeremywc

    > [Another Person] Streaming services and aspect ratios are always an issues. That and what “cut” of the video they got.

    Now this doesn’t make sense at all. There is only one commercially available version of Voyager’s entire run on-air presentation, whether the original playback archives or DVD sets (the latter of which I have in physical media for all seven seasons) because there was never a native HD version, like DS9.

    I understand that the Obtuse Suit Boobs believe the black bars on either side of the viddy are anaethematically wrong, but they need to stay in their coffin lane.