i met my boyfriend 7 months ago online and he’s american and well i really love him, i’m from another country and while i do want to marry him someday i know i have to see him irl first for a few years, so, if i ever marry him (an american) in my country, what happens?? i know i do not get a green card instantly but, like, our marriage gets registered in my country, does it get registered in the u.s too?? i am just curious, thanks!!

    • Phil Dowson@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      First you’ll find yourself craving burgers and chicken wings

      You’re not wrong, I found that you must also crave taco’s and random cultural imports depending on your region. There’s a lot of people with central European heritage where I live, so there’s some odd dishes that come up.

      Some time after you’ll choose a favorite football team, based solely on the color of their uniforms.

      I had to inherit supporting the Green Bay Packers from my in-laws. The only other option would be the Chicago Bears based on the regional juxtaposition.

      Then you’ll find yourself either completely engaged with politics, or completely ignorant of the entire process, except the general election.

      Or be thrust underground because you live in a small town with every third house having a political sign for the other guy. Also, gotta make sure you pick a religion, just in case.

      Car culture may tempt you. Be wary of motorcycle interests. Be prepared to drive long distances during quick trips out.

      The US is well known for the trope of hopping in the car to visit a neighbor a few streets away, I’ve done it myself living 6 streets from my in-laws.

      Also, being in a small town the roar of truck exhausts and Harley Davidsons is a constant. Coming from the UK, seeing the shape of some vehicles on the street is shocking, rusting trucks held together with duct tape and prayer.

      Yeah, it might have been a joke comment, but there’s a lot of truth to it.

      • TachyonTele@lemm.ee
        3 months ago

        Thanks, i appreciate that.
        I was going to include teams based on where you are, but the whole thing was getting too long.

      • bitchkat@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        I grew up in Wisconsin and hate the Packers. No one cared about the Packers at all until they got decent after decades of abject misery and failure. They were such a joke that a player who was traded there sued because Green Bay sucks so bad to live in. Should be a good game tomorrow.