Hey, I just did a quick browse through the blocked instances list for infosec.pub and have a few questions about it. Seems like we are blocking sh.itjust.works which at first glance just looks like one of the bigger general purpose instances. Meanwhile more overtly problematic instances like lemmygrad (tankie instance) or exploding heads (“free speech extremists”) are federated with. Generally the block list seems fairly small compared to a lot of other instances.

So are these intentional choices or is it more a matter of the admins not (having the time to be) bothering with it? If it’s not intentional, maybe checking some other instances blocklists to weed out the biggest trolls/offenders could be useful.

    • @jerryMA
      510 months ago

      What site is the “loud extremists”?

      I block instances that are the source of issues - shitjustworks caused a river of complaints - I don’t think I’ve seen any from the others.

      • @awwwyissss@lemm.ee
        110 months ago

        Hexbear, Lemmygrad, and Exploding Heads. Hexbear is far left… or at least pretending to be. They’re damaging to leftist causes. Lemmygrad is actually far left. Exposing Heads is far right.

  • @jonne
    710 months ago

    You can block problematic users/instances yourself if they bother you. I just blocked all of exploding-heads and haven’t seen any of their shit since.

    • @CoderKat@lemm.ee
      610 months ago

      IMO it’s not a good solution to just say “just block the bigots”. The problem is that for new users, they are going to see those bigoted posts. They’re going to either think that’s what kind of site Lemmy is and potentially leave, or they’ll potentially get pulled in by the bigots. Both are bad situations.

      Especially for blatant bigotry, it makes perfect sense to take measures to ensure that the site is safe for everyone by default, without every individual person having to take action (especially those without accounts or not signed in).

      • @mwguy
        210 months ago

        So lemmy needs a “soft” block. A system that moderates it out of the default streams, but allows an individual user to still add communities they want to see in their subscriptions.

        • @fr0gOP
          310 months ago

          You’re strawmanning so hard here, it’s an actual fire hazard.

          • stilgar [he/him]
            210 months ago

            They are correct though, it is subjective and it will shift over time as the “acceptable” political lines change over time.

            • @fr0gOP
              210 months ago

              Bigotry, blatant bigotry especially is hardly subjective. It’s more subtle forms might be harder to indentify without making some biased judgements, but that doesn’t make it inherently subjective.

              • @mwguy
                410 months ago

                I don’t know how you can say that given that less than 100 years ago in all of the Western world (save maybe France). Bigotry was the default governmental, societal and scientific position. And opposition to it was seen as distasteful as bigotry is today.

                • @fr0gOP
                  10 months ago

                  I don’t understand what point you think you are making here. Me saying bigotry can be objectively indentified and is objectvely bad (although I didn’t even argue for the latter part yet) isn’t invalidated by pointing out society used to think (what we today identify as) bigotry was good. Because past people thinking X was good might just have been a subjective judgement, unless you can provide the reasoning people used to argue for X being good and it objectively holds up. And people subjectively deciding X is good, has asolutely zero bearing on whether X is objectively good or not. People mistakenly thinking the Earth is flat doesn’t mean that we can’t objectively determine that it isn’t.

            • @fr0gOP
              110 months ago

              deleted by creator

    • @fr0gOP
      10 months ago

      Only if you use the right apps. Lemmy itself doesn’t have any instance blocking for users yet.

  • stilgar [he/him]
    610 months ago

    The admins defedded from SJW because of the quantity of CP and other objectionable material coming from there. It was a matter of their modding workload, not anything to do with politics.

    The line in this instance is to not use defederation as a political tool, and that is IMO correct. At least that’s one of the main reasons I chose this instance.

    • @fr0gOP
      110 months ago

      The line in this instance is to not use defederation as a political tool, and that is IMO correct

      That doesn’t really mean anything imo. Not defederating is just as much a political decision as defederating is. There’s no way around taking some sort of stance, intentional or not.

      • stilgar [he/him]
        510 months ago

        Of course it means something.

        Yes, it is a political decision in the sense that politics pervades all human activities and decisions.

        But it is obviously a different choice to that of many instances, where they actively use defederation as a tool to shield their users from any political opinions outside the mainstream.

        The admins here have chosen not to use defederation as a tool in this way and I applaud them for it.

  • @LostDeer
    510 months ago

    Exploadingheads is full of chuds and SJW is too.

    I will say it’s nice that this instance isn’t drawing lines along political leanings so I can just block the ones I don’t like to see. I’m not sure what the admins are doing otherwise.

    I’m sure the users here will start bubbling up as having more of an appetite for one side or the other and other instances will start defeding from infosec.pub.

    Honestly there is so much drama related to federating or defederating that’s it’s killing my interest in Lemmy in general.

    In anycase, is anyone running into trouble with lemmygrad or exploading heads being federated? I’ve been reading that folks at hexbear are getting harassed by other Lemmy instances and there are discussions of them going full defederated as a result. I don’t like the views on exploadingheads but so far I just block and move on, so no harm done.

    • ArxCyberwolf
      410 months ago

      Hexbear isn’t getting harassed. They’ve been going on other instances to brigade, attack and harass other people, and are now whining and moaning because they’re being shown the door after people got fed up with their behaviour. They’re being defederated everywhere for good reason.

    • melmc ✝️🇺🇲⚖️⚓
      -110 months ago


      Fyi exploding-heads shut down near the end of last month. The principals did not think it was worth the bother, given the evident general proclivity toward leftist censorship in Lemmy.

      cc: @fr0g

  • @jerryMA
    410 months ago

    I block them as they come up as problematic. There isn’t a handy list of instances to block like in mastodon. I will block those others.

  • @alex_02
    410 months ago

    shitjustworks was spamming some stuff so it was blocked till further notice. Not sure about lemmygrad and exploding heads, but I also never heard of either nor do I care. If I see bigotry and bs I just block and move on. So far I haven’t had to deal with trolls on my page and I don’t see the point of the admins blocking whatever unless they’re causing real issues like shitjustworks did.