Trump’s transition team is relying on private email servers, raising security concerns among federal officials who fear potential hacking and misuse of sensitive information.
The White House has instructed agencies to limit electronic sharing and instead offer in-person briefings or reading room access for sensitive materials.
Federal employees are wary of transmitting classified or personnel data to unsecured servers, with some requiring transition officials to verify compliance with security standards.
The reliance on private emails is slowing the transfer of government materials ahead of Trump’s inauguration.
You see. _her emails _ were a problem. His emails are fine.
See how it works?
The fact that the media ignored that both Bush and the Trump admin conducted all their business over private emails is one of the biggest betrayals
They didn’t betray us. They never were for us in the first.
The “4th estate” is owned by the same people who own the first three
The hypocrisy IS the point. It signals to his supporters that it’s okay to do things that are wrong as long as you’re with him
Republicans are hypocrites. Always have been. Their voters are fine with it. This is why they don’t lose votes.
Defends Matt Gaetz, calls Democrats pedophiles.
I still laugh when I see that “Pedophiles for Trump” sign showing up in various pics…
Lock him up (for any of his several dozen felonies).
And republicans say pronouns aren’t a thing 🙄
2016 ≠ 2024. Sorry.