Posts on a Chechen Telegram channel reported the attacks targeted key facilities including a riot police base, the second regiment of the Chechen interior ministry’s patrol and guard service, and a military base linked to the Russian war effort.
Is Ukraine trying to facilitate an uprising?
Don’t forget that Russian riot police have in the past been sent to the front lines in Ukraine, so I suppose one could see it as any military barracks at this point :-(
C’mon, they wouldn’t be helping a [checks notes] second Muslim republic struggling against Russia!
This person doesn’t seem to have a particularly good sense of risk.
But they do have some good camera skills!
How far is Grozny from Ukraine?
800km from the front line.
Do they even have AA in Russia or have they just accepted enemy drones flying over their country?
It’s cool that we are able to see how the drones look, seems like it’s just a remote controlled small civilian plane with a big bomb.
It’s probably much cheaper than a cruise missile and almost as effective.