The previous post was starting to lose steam so here is another one.

Please note that these will be pinned at the top of the community, so do remember to check back to these threads. The more people contribute, the more other people will check it out and continue the discourse.

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Feel free to share anything you want, or ask any questions :D

Lucky rolls to you all.

    1 year ago

    I don’t want this to sound like criticism, but a lot of the length of this game is due to the Cinematic Dialog. It would probably only be 40-60 hrs without it, ie it’s about the same length as PoE or Tyrany. Planescape Torment, or both Owlcat Pathfinder games have considerably more content and depth; but the Cinematic Dialog is part of what has drawn so much attention to this game and that takes WORK.

    This is going to be the game of the Decade due to the marriage of Classic RPG and Modern Graphic but it sacrifices a lot of Act 3 and some companion’s endings (namely Karlach) on this altar.

      1 year ago

      I disagree with this. Unless you rush it the game is longer and bigger than tyranny, I’m 100h into the game and I’m still far from the end it seems. I couldn’t get far into pathfinder video games because they’re meat grinders with shitty balance. For kingmaker I was so bored of fighting the same ethereal enemies over and over and over and fights were very tedious because I didn’t have an optimized team.

      Bg3 is open, both like open world and open scenario. Combat is as good as exploration or narration imo.

      Now I love planescape torment direly. But BG3 is bigger than that imo. There are so many secrets everywhere, and so many branches. PST doesn’t have so many pathes, it’s more linear in some ways. The intensity of the scenario is comparable between the 2, but PST is deeper in the philosophy and more intimate.