Gross. I hope they’re graffitied all over before the end of the week.
I hope their upper management is eaten before the end of the week
“How frightfully rude! I certainly hope somebody stabs him in the eye!”
Stickers that read “A.I cant scrape this off”
Yes I too hope they’re “graffitied”.
I hope that every company that spends money on AI employees spends a lot of money on AI employees and then subsequently loses their shirts when they realize they’re practically entirely useless on a business level And then they go bankrupt and the company selling them goes bankrupt because they can’t sell garbage
Depends on the industry. If you’re in an industry where your bottom line is sufficiently insulated from the quality of your goods or services, then you’ll be fine! Just gotta be an illegal monopoly, or form illegal trusts to gain equivalent monopoly power, or benefit from regulatory capture.
Like, say, health insurance. What could go wrong?!
So what does Artisan actually do? Its main product is an AI “sales agent” called Ava that supposedly automates the work of finding and messaging potential customers. The company claims it works with “no human input” and costs 96% less than hiring a human for the same role.
This company is selling telemarketer stalker bots. I think it will probably do fine.
Or an isp, we’ll soon be longing for the days when we got to talk to an at&t customer service rep.
Yeah. This is pretty likely, at this stage.
General purpose AI may be coming, but it’s not here, now.
Sadly, a bunch of them will just recover by convincing idiots to give them venture capital.
Time for some of us to become neo-luddites. Start breaking some machines, because it’s not practical to stage large scale strikes when the shops are so distributed.
“AI won’t complain about work-life balance.”
Yeah well AI also won’t be a consumer, so in seeking to replace your workers, remember that you are also replacing your consumers. Sowing the seeds of your own destruction.
“but it’s just my company! People will find OtHeR wOrK! So it’s totally ok!”
Repeated at every company…
The future is going to suck big time :/
I made a better crop.
Capitalism is self defeating on so many levers it hurts. Too bad it has to take society with it. Or rather too bad Americans let it run unopposed.
Stop hiring artists, photoshop can do it for free 🤨
I work with ai agents, the idea that they can work “without humans” is laughable. Spend 3 hours on a task, or spend 200 minutes trying to make ai produce anything salvagable.
what’s with billionaires trying to make cautionary tales real (Metaverse, etc)
also, to quote some user from Hacker News:
His company, like 9 out of 10 YC companies, is destined to fail. That is all the poetic justice you’ll ever need.