it’s very much borrowed from one of the reddit subs i frequent(ed) often, but the idea is to share what we’re playing weekly and hopefully create discussions around those games (or simply have a sort of “check-in”).

    1 year ago

    I haven’t seen anyone mention fighting games yet so I guess I’m going first. Will probably grind Guilty Gear Strive this weekend, as I don’t have much free time for longer gaming sessions and every set is like 3-5 minutes each at most. I’ll also try to get back into Dragon Age: Origins, if time permits.

    Speaking of fighting games, I’m also interested in getting Street Fighter 6, as a friend I frequently play against got it, but I just can’t justify paying 60€ for a game nowadays. I have so many other games on my backlog that I’d rather wait for a sale. But I played the open beta and really liked it a lot. The game feels more fluid than 5 and the new Drive mechanic feels way better than the previous V mechanic.