• GodlessCommie@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    a 3rd party only weakens

    This is based on the assumption we would ever vote for corporate owned candidates. We dont most favor any of them. thats like picking out the few good pieces of corn from a steaming pile of shit

    The reason so few people vote in the US is not because of apathy, its because they realize their lives suck regardless which color occupies the WH or halls of Congress

    • orclev@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      The reason so few people vote in the US is not because of apathy, its because they realize their lives suck regardless which color occupies the WH or halls of Congress

      Yes they both suck, but one of them is almost incomparably worse than the other. It’s a choice between things being slightly worse vs. things being horrendously worse. The GOP have literally embraced fascism. If you’re not voting to keep them out of office pretty soon you won’t have to worry about voting at all. You won’t have the option to even if you wanted to. Do you want to end up like Russia? Because this is how you end up like Russia.

      • GodlessCommie@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        We didnt get to late stage capitalism with just republicans, dems and their ratchet effect has helped them. Red or Blue the working class gets fucked, the difference is blue prefers a blue fucking, despite neither showing up with lube

        • orclev@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          You need to pick your battles, one problem at a time. We need to save our democracy first, then we can fix our economy. The GOP are setting up to crown a dictator and to begin a good old fashioned political purge of anyone who has or might oppose them. That’s the biggest danger right now. Once that’s headed off then we can address the corporations and the wealthy executive class that have been gutting the middle class and sucking the working class dry.

          First priority is preventing the GOP from cementing permanent rule and abolishing democracy. Then we fix our political parties by introducing proportional voting to allow for actual political representation. Then we fix our judiciary by un-stacking the courts and putting systems in place to check political power grabs and manoeuvering by the supreme court. Then we fix our police force by making many systemic changes to how police operate and their relationship to the courts. Once all of that is squared away then the board is set to start breaking up the corporations and returning to a healthy economy where every market isn’t dominated by a half dozen (or fewer) megacorps.

          If you allow the GOP to seize power nothing else is going to matter. We will cease to be a democracy and short of an armed uprising (and the odds of that succeeding aren’t great) there won’t be anything the public will be able to do to stop the oligarchs from finishing carving up and consuming the US. The US will end up just like Russia where a band of kleptocrats who have all sworn fealty to a dictator will have free reign to pillage to their hearts content.

          • GodlessCommie@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            I’ve been hearing these same bullshit claims for 50 years. Until the day the working class has the same political influence as a billionaire there is no democracy in this country. Stop protest voting for the duopoly and vote for something instead.

            • orclev@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              OK Nero, you keep fiddling while Rome burns. That view from your moral high horse is going to do you a lot of good when you’re in a gulag for refusing to cheer for Dear Leader. A decade ago you might have had a point, but we’re well past the point where this is just a political disagreement, this is now an existential risk to US democracy. Keeping the GOP out of power is literally the only thing stopping the US from going to same route as 1933 Germany. For better or worse though instead of going war crazy they’re more likely to pull a Russia though and just cement themselves as the perpetual ruling class and begin looting and pillaging anything that isn’t nailed down. But you go ahead and keep voting for people that are mathematically incapable of winning an election. I’m just going to hope you’d be a MAGAt otherwise so at least your waste of a vote isn’t a net negative.

              • GodlessCommie@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                That’s cute you think your party is gonna save democracy, the party thats sued to keep people off ballots, sued to keep RCV off ballots because ‘blacks are too ignorant to understand it,’ argued in court that voters have no choice who THEY choose as the candidate that they pick for their party. Refusing to allow a primary for their chosen candidate isn’t Democracy. The derangement here is BlueMAGA thinking they are the moral majority in preserving democracy.

                If Democrsts were sincere about keeping Republicans out of office then they need to vote 3rd party. If Biden can’t win without us you have the moral obligation to do the right thing and vote for West. But we all know Dems first goal is not keep Republicans out of power, as Pelosi said ‘we need a strong republican party,’ their only goal is to keep the duopoly as a whole in powet