I must confess to getting a little sick of seeing the endless stream of articles about this (along with the season finale of Succession and the debt ceiling), but what do you folks think? Is this something we should all be worrying about, or is it overblown?

EDIT: have a look at this: https://beehaw.org/post/422907

  • orclev@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    The problem with ALL the LLMs is that they don’t actually understand anything at all. They produce output that looks like other similar things but may or may not have any actual relationship to reality. So they’re incredibly advanced bullshit generators.

    I would never trust a piece of code written by one of these things and you’d spend just as much time debugging what it wrote as it would have taken to write it in the first place.

    For that matter you’d never be able to actually trust anything one told you about anything either as you never know if anything it has said is true or not so you literally need to research everything it tells you in order to know if it was true or not.

    It could maybe work as a better interface to a search engine though. You ask it a question and it redirects you to what it thinks are the most relevant search results. E.G. “how do I do X” and it tells you “People who wanted to do X often needed to know about Y and Z, here are some of the top search results for that”, but you’d need to actually follow the links provided, not let it summarize them.