this thread is full of people placing blame on everyone except the people who actually voted for trump. face the facts: the democrats could have put caucasian jesus on the ticket and trump would still have won.
Yeah, but there were lots of mistakes.
I could probably count the things that weren’t mistakes on one hand.
- Tim Walz.
That’s about it. Looks like I only needed one finger. Dang.
- Not 70+ years old.
Still managed to make enough mistakes to offset Trump’s age.
and as awful as trump is, he wasn’t even the worst part of his campaign or his administration. Metaphorically speaking, America voted a rabid feral jackal, but what’s really gonna fuck us are the fleas hiding in its mangy, matted, filthy coat and the parasites teeming in its guts.
I love every word of this. Damn.
Frankly, that wouldn’t have been a mistake if it had been Bernie.
It still would be a mistake and would prevent some people from voting for him, but Bernie would at least compensate for it by actually supporting popular policies instead of the opposite and have some energy.
A lot of people out there disagreeing with this, saying Josh Shapiro (PA Governor) would have been a better choice, and helped lock down PA.
She would have lost Michigan and Wisconsin by even larger margins if she went with Shapiro instead of Walz.
There’s a pretty good argument this too was a mistake given what happened in PA. At least one swing state might have been saved…
“I have a secret plan to defeat trump in 100 days” - everyone on the internet
y’all need to face the facts that the democrats could have ran a white jesus christ and it wouldnt have moved the needle
All the Christians would hate him.
the first mistake: they tried to run against a fascist bigot (america loves voting for these)
the second mistake: something so minor and inconsequential that it would gained .001% more votes (lefties will debate what this was forever)
something so minor and inconsequential that it would gained .001% more votes
It’s actually closer to 16% and I would definitely not call it inconsequential given that Trump won this election with several million votes less than he got in 2020 when he lost.
bitch all those trump supporters knew what they were doing
I’m not sure what you mean by that or how it relates to what I said at all.
you nerds are exhausting stop making excuses literally nobody cares
I’m not sure what you’re on about and I don’t think anyone else does either.
Dog shit voter turnout isn’t committing no mistakes, it’s the definition of a mistake.
Take this on an individual level there bud, it made me smile after I tried hard to get people to vote, made sure to vote myself, talked about the issues - this hits home for me
I even spoke to american friends about the issues, but the propaganda was too strong.
it was the second highest turnout in the past century but please explain to the people why the democrats are the actual problem
If you want to do a le epic mic drop moment about what you think my meta-point is, be sure first. Your reading comprehension needs work.
Yea you’re clearly saying they should make voting compulsory. Some people smh.
it’s possible to make tonnes of mistakes, lose, and still claim you didn’t make any mistakes.
that’s not fodder for a pithy quote. that’s denial.
im not the one in denial honey bun
Frankly, this take is profoundly arrogant and indicative of why the Democrats lost to Trump (again, arguably again-again).
This implies that the Democrats could not have possibly done any better, or at least submits to the idea that there is nothing meaningful to be learned from this failure. It projects onto the general electorate a deterministic outlook, that they were always going to vote for Trump no matter what as a way to shield the Democrats and ourselves from accountability.
This is a difficult time time for all of us. We are looking down the barrel of another Trump presidency, one that promises to be a significant tragedy in the history of our nation. It hurts to know what’s coming and people are resigning themselves to complacency in order to ease the pain.
But if we want to stand a chance the next time around, we need to understand that the Democrats played a role in their own demise. We need to demand better, not make excuses for them and perpetuate the mediocrity that has been the Democratic platform over the last decade. We can’t just hope for another deadly crisis to get us out of this one.
wake me when you are not voting for a bigot and putting in effort to convince others not to vote from a bigot
until then your internet comments are basicaly just masturbation
I needed this today. Thank you!
The Democrats, in hindsight, fucked up with the economy and/or the messaging.
Did inflation happen because of the groundwork that Trump laid down in his term (not to mention global pandemic)? Sure — but did inflation get really bad under Biden? Yes, absolutely. That doesn’t make it his fault, but it makes it a problem that the Democrats probably needed to address more aggressively, an all-out attack on rising cost of living.
At the start of the pandemic, for me to carry $100 of normal weekly groceries home from the supermarket was a real challenge, but I could do it. Now, I carry $100 no problem, with a toddler on my shoulders. The money doesn’t really matter to me, but from what I’ve been reading, it really mattered to a lot of voters. Again: I think his will be worse under Trump (if it does get better, it’ll be due to some shady tax rebates to supermarkets or big ag or something, IMHO).
So while the Dems are talking about first time home credits and whatnot, Vance is out there lying about the price of eggs — but it’s a lie that “feels” right to a lot of people, and anecdotally, has some truth to it in that inflation/cost of living increase is real. Nevermind that the R policy is…what, exactly? But they say they’ll fix it, and they point out that Dems are currently in power, and that’s enough for a lot of people.
Bro mistakes were made. A veritable cornucopia of mistakes.
Oh yeah? Well you know who I blame?
The democrats.y’all will blame anyone before you blame the people who voted for him
Gimmie someone worth voting for, fuck.
I’d prefer democrats to get rid of First Past The Post voting and to stop blocking other political parties from participating.
The Maquis have a lot of good points.
You made a big mistake using this quote like this.
9 out of 10 trusted schizophrenics recommend blaming the invisible hand of fate.
Yeah this definitely isn’t a situation Captain Picard is talking about.
The quote is true, aye, and one has to learn to accept that, but this election definitely isn’t one of those situations, mistakes were made.
And rhymes with where I’d rather be.
Open to discussion, but since 2008, the Democrats have won every election where the leadership didn’t “put their finger on the scale” in the primaries/picking the candidate. Obama, Obama; Clinton arguably shouldn’t have been the nominee and Sanders should have; Biden was (?) properly primaries; Harris was picked — obvious pick, but still, not primaried.
Or the other reason, that the US is too sexist to elect a woman. It’s depressing either way of course.
America would have elected Oprah in a heartbeat.
The problem was thumbing the scale for wet rags who don’t lead and can’t inspire.
thats what the internet said about joe biden but he won… what coud the difference be I wonder🤔🤔
Did you seriously just try to invoke correlation as causation? There couldn’t ba ANY other causes that you can think of? Anything?
face facts, if biden had lost the internet would have blamed the dnc and said bernie would have won
america has a ton of racists and sexists and some of yall keep trying to blame the non racists and sexists for all the racism and sexism