My dad use to trap animals as part of his lawn business.
He’d let them go off deeper in the woods, but there was this one opposum that he swore was coming back to the area.
He put a mark on its tail to see how much money he was making off this opossum and I think it ended up being at least 5 separate trips he made with that one opposum.
Dude wasn’t trap happy he just loved tearing up yards
My dad use to trap animals as part of his lawn business.
He’d let them go off deeper in the woods, but there was this one opposum that he swore was coming back to the area.
He put a mark on its tail to see how much money he was making off this opossum and I think it ended up being at least 5 separate trips he made with that one opposum.
Dude wasn’t trap happy he just loved tearing up yards
I love opossums so very much
He called my mom for me to come see it one of the time because it was so large. The entire time it was making the agggghhhhh noise and face.
Instilled the love of the little vacuums early.