• sorval_the_eeter@lemmy.world
    10 days ago

    You Lemmy.ml people asked Biden to step down because he’s old.

    I asked him to step down because for the last 50 years he’s been an incredily bad democrat and never did deserve any of our support. His support of the far right murderous fascist zionist splinter group. His consistent racist “gaffes”. His lack of support for reproductive rights that he blamed on his catholicism. His stupid lawmaking about the drug wars, 3 strikes, and civil asset forfeiture. His 3 attempts to cut social security. His fascist-light policing viewpoints. His willingness to wade into peoples lives about gay rights when he should have just left everyone the hell alone and shut his piehole. His support and backing of a grifter lobbyist son. His lack of support for ending the filibuster, which just enables the GOP to hold the government hostage every few months. His lack of support for expanding the supreme court. His tired embrace of the worst of the GOP members. His outrageous increasing of police funding in response to Defund&Reallocate. His backstabbing Obama on negotiations he should have kept out of. His consistent lack of support for health care reform and a public option. His utter shafting of Anita Hill in the Clarence Thomas confirmation trials, which should have been a layup for anyone competent, which gave us one of the worst Supreme court justices in our countrys history. In the last 50 years look at every wrong turn this country has taken, and You’ll find Bidens ugly mug leading the charge. The man is always wrong about nearly everything, and he never misses a chance to make a bad deal or sell out his party. He’s an idiot’s idiot and he never deserved any of our support and breaks everything he touches, including our party and now the entire western world order.

    “Never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to fuck everything up”. –Barack Obama

    Obama also urged Biden in 2016 and again in 2020 not to run.

    Anyone remember this BS from our lord and savior Joe Biden?

    This is the guy we’re getting all sentimental about? You really think Joe Biden is the best the dems had to offer? That just tells me that many people dont actually read the news, miss their deceased grandpa and will vote for a huckster on personality vibes alone. Biden was about to lose to Donald Trump. Think about that for a minute. How bad do you have to lose the faith and support of your own party’s voters to lose to a man like that. Biden could only have possibly competed against someone as bad as Trump, and Trump could only have competed with someone as bad as Biden.

    • Dragon "Rider"(drag)@lemmy.nz
      10 days ago

      Drag didn’t care how bad Biden is as long as he’s not Trump. Drag is glad Kamala is running instead, because she’s better than him. But drag would have been happy to elect Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man as president.

      • sorval_the_eeter@lemmy.world
        10 days ago

        You’re alright Drag. :-). And thank you for letting me vent so excessively and not calling me on it. I needed that. I’m a lifelong Dem straight ticket voter who cant stand Biden. Or Harris.

        And I hate how we are trapped in both parties fielding bad candidates with no end in site anytime soon. Harris will try to run twice and after that they are queuing up bloody-hands mealy-mouthed Blinken.

        • Dragon "Rider"(drag)@lemmy.nz
          10 days ago

          Drag is trying to avoid venting about Harris until after the election. Preventing the fourth reich is more important than all of drag’s concerns about the Harris campaign. Drag doesn’t like it, but drag doesn’t like protesting under the hot sun or arguing with transphobes either, and drag does those. This is one more sacrifice for the cause.

          Drag thinks if Trump loses badly enough, the GOP could collapse. It could schism and maybe neither side will be able to stand up to the Democrats. When the GOP isn’t a threat anymore, we can either vote Greens or split the Democrats in two to make a left party. We can pass electoral college reform and ranked choice voting. We can make a democracy. And we can gather weapons and organise all the while and try to achieve a revolution. But all of that requires Trump to be gone.

          We need to help Harris so we can move beyond her. She’s a stepping stone on the path to the future. We’re gonna stomp on her head and get one step closer to having someone like AOC in the white house.