Kitty feet curled up like that are my greatest weakness
Isn’t it the sweetest? I love it!
I’m also pretty jelly that you have three cats who like each other this much!
I can’t take credit. This was just a share from somewhere.
Oh man. My tortie had a stroke a few years back, affecting her back end. She’s regained the ability to walk and run and jump mostly, but she does it on gimpy back legs. She walks on her hocks, so her knobby back knees make contact with the ground. So when she runs, she really hops kinda like a bunny. She clomps around, and her tail doesn’t move either. So she’s had a rough go of it. But the back feet curls have increased tenfold when she’s lying down. It’s pretty adorable.
Everything about this is amazing. The spooning. The multitude of curled feetsies. The pudgy belly with the black tail curl on top. 10/10
A respectable puddle of puss. Mirage of meow.
Coalition of chill. Critical mass of snoozyfluff.
Miniature Zen senate.
27 lives in condensed storage mediums.
High efficiency blanket gravity enforcement.
Cuddle of kitties… A veritable calamity of cute.