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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/Xzora87 on 2024-09-17 23:18:11+00:00.

I was in my boyfriends house and I was sitting in the living room with his mum talking away. Next thing I needes to go to the bathroom.

So off I went up the stairs and as soon as I reached the bannister there was a man with a long face, check shirt, brown trousers and black shoes. He also had reading glasses on and the man was maybe middle aged or a slightly older.

Now I’ve always been able to see figures and spirits but this time the spirit was clear as day. He stared at me and then I looked into my boyfriends room and he was looking the opposite direction. As I turned around he was gone.

It kind of freaked me out a bit but after I came out of the bathroom I went downstairs to ask my boyfriends mum if she had let someone use the bathroom which she said no.

I explained what I saw and her face went pure white. She took a photo out and asked me “is that the man you saw?” And I said yes. She burst out in tears and she said that that was her father. Her father died when she was in her twenties I believe and my boyfriend never met him as he died before he was born. She was thrilled just to know he was looking after them from above.

I must say I will never forget what happened and seeing my boyfriend’s mums reaction will always stay with me too.