This is a big moment for me everybody. I have been kicked off of reddit almost instantly due to the spell, but I’ve been forced to wander the fediverse for a long time since my CCP handlers normally don’t allow me to stop posting. However, I found a cure while mindlessly scrolling through the front page.

I’m making this very quick post to thank all of you before the Great Fire Wall swoops in to prevent me from reading the spell in full, allowing me to realize my inner liberal self and deprogram from the Chinese propaganda.

As a thanks, I will reveal the real COVID agend

  • KiG
    1 year ago

    KKK police origins 93% peaceful BLM protests crushed opioid epidemic Epstein pedo elite 1000000 covid dead Tik Tok brain destruction rampant homelessness Puritanical or pornographic corn syrup Flint water Coca Cola death squads Chiquita death squads fake ass moon landing Paw Patrol MCU Operation Gladio Operation Paperclip Henry Ford Museum AIDs crack cocaine smarm snark Silicon Valley dollar fifty Arizonas food deserts US military biggest polluter climate change hidden cigarette cancer hidden New Orleans Katrina white supremacist mass shootings election rigging legal corruption CIA heart attack gun planned obsolescence globally exported antiblack racism 30 lane highway celebrity worship suicide rates prison rape constant advertisements astroturfing Arab/Latino refugee crisis invasion of Haiti industrial farming Amazon piss bottles suburban schizophrenia Soleimani plague blankets war doctrine prioritizing destruction of civilian infrastructure Laos fast fire friends unequal exchange atomization redlining death of community plastic surgery Twitch streaming destruction of supply mukbang (DLC, $4.99)