5 days on kbin and I have enough … the force of dislikes for personal view is beyond me … so good luck here guys … I already requested to delete account

  • szczur@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    @tomve_cz First off, I’m not really stalking you, it’s just you annoyed me a bit too much.

    And you know, leftist ideals are a very broad term. I don’t think nobody wants “free shit” and yes, we complain about things we want to change and then do it.

    I’ve been leftist all my life, started out as a social-democrat but then moved on to the anarchist wing. And you know, that’s the part of life I could use my knowledge on how to do shit I had to do my way for almost all my life. Because I also had to work for things, I was labouring since I was 15. It’s just the world doesn’t need to look like that. We can agree to disagree, but if you’re throwing a line such like “Migrants shouldn’t come to Europe in the first place” you’ll eventually get some backlash, because there’s so much more nuance and other variables at stake.

    Like, I’m sorry I made you feel bad or bullied or whatever, but your opinions about people that are simply not as lucky as we were being rapists, murderers and shit was so dumb I had to react.
