The latest high-tech running shoes will literally make you faster in races, whether you're an Olympian or a weekend warrior. They might help your training sessions, too.
Y’all… Unless you’re an Olympian, it’s not your shoes that are keeping you from hitting your time goals. 99.9% of all of us would be better off focusing on our sleep, diet, and nailing our volume and workouts. But if you think that dropping $250 on “super shoes” is gonna give you an extra second a mile, we’ll, then, the placebo effect is a real effect.
Y’all… Unless you’re an Olympian, it’s not your shoes that are keeping you from hitting your time goals. 99.9% of all of us would be better off focusing on our sleep, diet, and nailing our volume and workouts. But if you think that dropping $250 on “super shoes” is gonna give you an extra second a mile, we’ll, then, the placebo effect is a real effect.
Yeah… This is a very blatant case of marketing being pushed as “facts” by a magazine paid to advertise.
Consume.It’s very cool and it has no effects on kids working in Bangladesh or the climate. Believe us, Nike said so