So… it happened again at my gym today. I witnessed a girl break her arm while climbing… A good reminder of the inherent risks of bouldering. Even with those huge mats a bad landing can still lead to some serious consequences, especially for inexperienced climbers. see: How to fall safely while indoor bouldering

It got me thinking… is it possible that we’ve lost some of the caution that came with climbing outside, without mats?

    1 year ago

    Anyone can have an accident, it literally happens to the pro’s. It can happen to us too. That being said with bouldering gyms becoming more popular over the last decade I’ve definitely seen some people come in who really have no business falling 10ft onto anything. But that’s why they sign waivers. You can always tell when a person who comes in hasn’t done a single athletic thing in their life and now all of a sudden want to try rock climbing.